
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another delay

I'm having another carpal tunnel flare up. Be back when I can type without my fingers going numb...


  1. Ooo! I know how you feel, it sucks - mines in both wrists. Hope you carpal tunnel dies down soon!

  2. Yeah, I got it in both wrists too. It switches back and forth between which one is worse. Sometimes it's the left, and sometimes the right, but at the moment, they both hurt!

  3. No carpal tunnel, yet, but I've got arthritis (thank bananas my rheumatoid factor is still negative, so far) and I've got a screw in my left wrist, so some days, I'm writing long hand with my toes and dictating to my cat at the computer, or so it feels like. :) Hope you're feeling better soon. Meditate on cool mountain streams, with little mossy banks running through your veins, that ought to help the inflammation!

  4. Ack! Not good! Get rest!

  5. Oh yuck! I hope you feel better. Blogging and carpal tunnel don't go well together. Get well!


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