
Friday, July 17, 2009

More Twilight News

First of all, my hands are feeling much better now (still a little sore), so thank you very much to everyone who wished me well!

Secondly, I just found out some interesting news and had to share. Although at the rate these things travel, you probably already know...

Via Maw Books Blog, Twilight will be made into a graphic novel. I find this really interesting, because they seem to going with an Asian flair for the artwork. It always eyeopening to see a best loved novel turn into a graphic novel. GNs especially interest me, and I was able to be on the graphic novel Cybils committee for both 2006 and 2007.

I'll be keeping an eye on this one...


  1. :) Glad you're able to resume typing.

  2. welcome back to the land of typing. I can't believe its going to be a graphic novel


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