
Monday, August 03, 2009

Contest Roundup: August 3rd

Welcome to August everyone! There's a LOT of books being given away in the blogosphere lately, so let's jump right in. Remember to check the sidebar for previously featured contests you can still enter including a chance to Jet Set or Chasing the Jaguar right here at The Shady Glade!
Now moving on...

Diana over at Stop, Drop, and Read is having a huge celebration with lots of giveaways. Happy blogoversary Diana! Right now, she's giving away a signed copy of Sucks to be Me by my review "boss" Kimberly Pauley! (Kim is the owner of YABC, which is how I got into reviewing in the first place). Keep any eye out on Diana's blog for more great contest opportunities coming soon!

Another person who's celebrating her blog birthday is Lauren over at Shooting Stars Mag. Congrats Lauren! She's having all sorts of special events throughout August to celebrate, so head over there to check it out all this month.

The Epic Rat is also having a birthday in August (but for her, not her blog). She's also going to do lots of giveaways in August, starting with a chance to win all 3 Gallagher Girl books. Ends August 7th, and keep checking her blog weekly for more chances to win.

Geektastic seems to be a popular book for giveaways this month. Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf is giving away two copies by August 14th, and Yan at Books By Their Cover is also giving away 3 copies by sharing your most geeky moment by August 17th.

Mrs. Magoo Reads is giving away 9 (!) books to one lucky winner including La Petite Four, The Diamonds, Hancock Park, and of course many more. Ends August 9th, so hurry and enter now!

Steph Su is giving away two copies of And Then Everything Unraveled worldwide! Go read her author interview and then enter the contest by August 20th.

Whew! That's a lot of contests. Good luck to all of you. And keep your eyes out, because there is still so many more chances to win out there!


  1. Thanks for posting about these contests...I've already entered a couple.

  2. I love how you post about all these contests. I'm off to the epic rat and Mrs. Magoo reads!


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