
Monday, August 03, 2009

New Feature (maybe): Swap Exchange

So I’ve been kicking around an idea for a few weeks, I think I’ve finally got enough details worked out to share it with all of you.

Some of you may be aware of the fact that I am a member of several book trading websites. But there are still a lot of you out there who aren’t. The reason I bring this up is because I’m thinking about starting my own travelling box swap.

Here’s the basics. Everyone who signs up to participate will get sent a box with a set number of books in it. You take out the ones you want, put the same number as you took out back into the box, and send it to the next person on the list. Easy right?

So would any of you want to participate in one of these with me? I’d really like to do this, but if no one else is interested, it’s a moot point. This first one would be for US only (but if it works out I will try to figure out a way to do international too). You would have to pay for postage for the box, but Media Mail is relatively cheap. There would also be a small entrance fee (probably $5). I hate asking for money, but the fee Number 1. Covers costs of running the swap and Number 2. Acts as collateral to discourage the box getting “lost” while it’s in your possession. BUT when the swap is over I will be giving out additional books as prizes, as well as having a drawing for gift card prizes just for the people who particpated in the swap. So many of you will get your $5 back in prizes at the end.

So what do you think? Are you interested? You get the chance to swap out some of your old books you’re done with for different ones, you get to connect with people from all over the country, and you might get some additional prizes at the end. If this sounds like something you’d like to do, leave me a comment and/or vote in the poll in the right sidebar. If I get enough interest, I’ll post the details so you can sign up later.

I’m excited! I think it would be lots of fun. Anyone care to join me?


  1. Awesome idea! I'm in :)

  2. I think that's a great idea and I'd love to join!

  3. Anonymous3:54 PM

    All in!

  4. Definitely something I'd look into more!

  5. This is a great idea! I've been looking for a good way to trade some of my extra books.

  6. Personally I think this is a great idea. Except I live in Canada, so wouldn't be able to participate. :( We're just across the border! Any chance of opening it to Canada too? If not, well, I'll wait and see if there will be an international swap, because I really like this idea. Get rid of old books and get some new ones in the process!

    - Alex

  7. Sounds like a great idea! Count me in!

  8. Great idea! I'd love to participate.

  9. This is a really good idea! I'm definitely interested.

  10. Oooh, that sounds like an awesome idea! I'd definitely be interested.

  11. YES! I love this idea, Alyssa! You know I'd definitely be up for it. I love the idea of a grab-bag box making its way around the country. Kudos to you for starting this!

  12. I'm totally up for this! Just let me know when you get it all together- I'm all in!

  13. Great idea! I'd participate!

  14. Alex (flight of minds): I know! I'm sorry I can't make it international. I would hate to make someone pay international postage, although I don't mind it myself.

    I am working on how to open the next one internationally. I'll definitely keep you in mind, don't worry!

  15. Sounds great! If you do it, you can definitely count me in.

  16. For what it's worth : I'm a Canadian too, and I would have loved to participate! I'll be looking for the next one :)

  17. Great idea! Im in! (How many books in the box)


  18. That does sound interesting! I'd look into it more too.

  19. I'm new to your site, but I think its an interesting idea!

  20. Im up for it, that sounsd really cool actually.


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!