
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Swap is a Go: Details here

Due to the overwhelming positive response I received on my travelling book swap post, this is something I’m going to start. Any of you artistically minded folks want to make us a Travelling Book Swap button? Haha.

So here’s the details. Read these over, and if you want to participate, email me to sign up with the subject line “swap sign up”.

How it works:
-Sign up for the swap
-I will start a box filled with 6-10 books and send it to the first person on the list.
-When you get the box take out the books you want to keep.
-Put books in the box to replace those you took out.
-Send out the box to the next person on the list.
-Wait until the box has finished the rounds to see if you win an additional prize!
That’s it!

You will need to sign up:
There is a $5 entrance fee to cover costs and prizes. You will get details on how to pay after signing up.
A physical mailing address in the US (I’m currently working on an international swap, more details later)
The ability to mail packages with delivery confirmation
Books to trade that meet the trading requirements (see below)

1. I must have your address and entrance fee in order to put you on the list.
2. Once you get the box, you must email me to let you know you received it. Include a list of what books are in the box when you receive it. I will respond with the address of the next person on the list.
3. Your books must meet the trading requirements (see below)
4. Put in as many books as you take out. So if you take 2, put 2 back in. You are welcome to include extra books if you want.
5. You have 5 days to mail the box back out once you get it. If this is problem, you must email me and let me know. This makes sure the box makes it’s way along at a quicker pace.
6. The box MUST be mailed with delivery confirmation. This will cost you less than $1 extra and it ensures the box does not get lost along the way. I suggest you mail media mail which takes a little longer, but is a lot cheaper.
7. Once you’ve mailed your box, send me an email with the delivery confirmation number.
8. If the box gets “lost” while in your possession (not after you’ve mailed it) or do not replace the books you take out, you will be banned from future swaps.
9. If you don’t mail the box within 5 days you won’t be eligible for prizes at the end of the swap.

Book trading requirements:
1. Books must be YA (or adult or middle grade with YA appeal)
2. Books must be in good condition. This means no stains/water damage, bindings in good condition, covers in good condition, etc. Some wear and tear is fine.
3. Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) ARE allowed provided they meet the conditions above.
4. Basically, if it’s something you wouldn’t want to get, don’t put in the box.
5. You can include books that don’t meet these conditions, but they will considered “extra” and won’t count toward the number you need to replace.
If you have questions about whether a book you have is eligible, feel free to email and ask.

I think that covers just about everything. If you have any questions, let me know!


  1. This sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I could join in, but can't afford it right now! Have fun!

  2. This is such a neat idea! I emailed you.

  3. Sounds good :) but would you get the books you put in the box back in the end? or should you just put in books that you don't mind never seeing again? haha a little dramatic I know. I'm just curious.

  4. Dang I wanna participate soo bad but don't have $5. I know, sad right? lol. Maybe next time.


  5. MissAttitude -

    I would put books in you wouldn't mind seeing again. I will be giving away books left over at the end as prizes, but there is a chance all the ones you put in would be taken by then. ;-)

  6. Ya know...I was thinking of doing something like this, but never thought I'd get enough people to do it! I'd sign up now, but I don't have the extra cash at the moment, we're still waiting for the state of pennsylvania to pass the budget for state no money until they do! Ahhh. Can we sign up later, or is this going to be one of those kind of swaps where you have to wait until the first round is done to sign up?

  7. This looks awesome! I actually have $5 so will definitely sign up! (:

  8. sounds like fun. I'll have to give this more thought.

  9. I emailed you. This is a great idea.

  10. This is an awesome idea! I wish I could join it, but I can't afford it currently. :/ Maybe next time!


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