
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blogoversary Contest Reminders

Well, one week from today the festivities will be over. I hope you have been enjoying the blogoversary, and those of you who are new will decide to stick around even after it's all over. My regular readers will tell you that we have fun even when we're not partying.

Anyway, this post is a reminder to enter some of the contests before they are over. I know some of you think you never win anything, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to point out several of the contests that still have very good odds. So if you haven't entered yet, go enter!

First of all, if you haven't noticed, a third prize has been added to the Blogoversary Birthday Contest. If I get another 25 comments, a fourth prize (and a fourth winner) will go up.

And now for contests that still have very good odds, for those of you who want to win:
The survey contest- 1 winner, currently 27 people entered
The First Lines Contest- 1 winner, currently 1o people entered
The Covers Contest- 1 winner, currently 8 people entered

I've also made a small change to the rules for the First Lines and Covers contests. I orignally had planned that only those that got most right would be entered to win. But I had a few of you who got everything right, and many of you who were very, very close. So to make it a little more fair, Everyone who gets at least 30 right will be entered to win, and the runners up will automatically get extra entries to win the Amazon gift card.

Now for some contests that you won't have noticed unless you've been paying close attention to my author posts. Ah, didn't read all the way to the bottom of those? Then you've missed all these great books, since I didn't post these in the sidebar. Now that we only have a week left to enter, these will go up in the sidebar later today as a reminder. So for those of you who've entered these contests before this post goes up, I'm giving you one free extra entry for every contest you've entered. How's that for being on your toes? And the rest of you, you still have a chance, so make sure you enter now. All right? These are the stats current from the writing of this post.

Win some Chasing Brooklyn bookmarks- I still have enough to send one to everyone. Get them while they're hot!
A signed copy of Map of the Known World- 1 winner, currently 20 people entered
A copy of Bewitching Season- 3 winners, currently 14 people entered
2 UK Zoe Marriott paperbacks- 1 winner, currently 17 people entered
A signed copy of Beyond Cool- 1 winner, runners up will get bookmarks, currently 10 people entered
A signed copy of The King's Rose- 1 winner, currently 8 people entered
A Give Up The Ghost Swag Pack- 1 winner, currently 7 people entered


  1. Thanks for the extra entries - you're a peach!

  2. Those are some good odds for the contests. Hope I end up being a winner.

  3. Oh yay! Extra entries :)
    Thanks so much!!
    Too bad I didn't enter them all (since I wasn't really interested in the prize).


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