
Monday, November 02, 2009

Winners, Winners, Winners

Hey everyone! I'm pretty much over the cold now and I'm back in business. I was cleaning out my bookshelves yesterday and realized I had a lot of prizes to still give away. So it's time to announce some winners!

First of all, I have to unclaimed prizes. The first is a copy of Gone from Contest Monday waaaaaaaay back in September! I totally thought this had been claimed already, but I guess not. So someone's going to get a second chance at it. As usual, I will list the old winner and a new winner, and the first to email me out of the two gets the book. So here we go. The winners of Gone are

Faye (old winner)
or Dani. (new winner)

Good luck to the both of you!

And here's another unclaimed prize, with the same drill. This one is from September's Comment Contest who won A Practical Guide to Vampires. But again, it hasn't been claimed yet. So here's the two winners. First to email me gets it!

A Bookshelf Monstrosity (old winner) or elnice (new winner)
*EDIT* Both of these winners have already emailed, so Shooting Stars Mag is the new (third) winner!

Next I can't believe I forgot this, but I haven't yet announced the winner of the Cybils contest. *smacks forehead* See what being sick will do to your mind? Thank you to everyone who entered by nominating a Cybils title. And especially those who contributed a GN title. I'm having fun reading those suggestions. And now the winner of the prize pack (Must Love Black, Switch, and Kamira) is

Kate (neverendingshelf)

Congrats! Don't forget to email me with your address so I can send you your prize.

And last but not least, I have the winners of the We Love Authors contest to announce. Due to the number of entries I received I decided to split the four book prize pack between three people. First prize gets to pick two books, second and third place get to pick one book. So our winners are

First place: natalierenae (pick two books)
Second place: A. Nicole (pick one book)
Third place: Alexa (lovinfitch) (pick one book)

Winners, email me and let me know which of the four books (Eyes Like Stars, Swan Maiden, The Real Real, and Aurelia) you want. First one to email gets first pick, second one to email gets second pick and last one to email gets what's left.

And although these aren't winners, I do have two contest announcements to make. The first is that there will only be one Contest Monday post for November, which will take place next Monday. This is because I'm still recovering from postage costs from the blogoversary as well as the fact that I want to have lots of contests for December. But mums the word on that. You'll have to wait until December to find out!

The second announcement is that by request I am extending the deadline for the Scavenger Hunt Contest for one week. So you've still got a few days left to get your answers in for this prize pack.

That's it for now. Contest roundup and November comment contest posted later today!


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Congratulations to all of the new winners! And Alyssa, I'm already excited to see what you're cooking up for December...

  2. Congrats to all the winners

  3. Congrats winners! Those are some awesome books - happy reading!

  4. Congratulations to the winners! I'm sad I missed out!


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