
Monday, December 07, 2009

Contest Roundup: December 7th

Are you ready for this? There's tons and tons of great contests going on so this is going to get looooong. Make sure as always you remember to check the right sidebar for contests that are still going on that you might have missed. And of course you have a chance to win books from my 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway-a-Day as well as a copy of Radiant Darkness or a book of your choice right here.

And now, on to other contests.

You have another chance to win Fallen by Lauren Kate over at Book Nerds. Hurry and enter, it ends Dec 10th.

Casey at A Passion for Books is hosting a contest to celebrate 200 followers. Congrats Casey! Two lucky winners will get one of their top three choice of books. How many people do you think will list Catching Fire on thier top three? Open internationally, ends Dec 31st.

Bloody Bookaholic is having a Whatever You Celebrate contest with all sorts of great prizes including Eyes Like Stars, Betraying Season, Ash, and more. There will be three winners, so what are you waiting for? You get extra entries if you tell her Alyssa from The Shady Glade sent you! Ends Dec 25.

Another follower giveaway this time celebrating Book Bound's 100 followers (and now she's up to almost 200!). Three winners will each get to spend $20 at the Book Deposity. Hmmm, I would put Fire on my list here. Ends Dec 18th.

Here's a Happy Holidays contest hosted by Dark Faerie Tales. Four winners will get to choose 1 or more books from her loooong list of eligible titles including Ruined, Betrayals, Darklight, Bleeding Violet, and more. Head over to the contest post to see the whole list. And make sure you enter too. Ends Jan 5th.

There must be lots of follower contests going on now. This one is for YA Highway breaking 100 followers. Two winners will get a choice of books including Graceling, Beautiful Creatures, Wondrous Strange and more. Plus first place gets to choose a bookshelf too! Ends Dec 17th.

One blog that always has fantastic contests is Fantastic Book Review. They are having a contest to celebrate 600 followers (WOW! Congrats!). She's giving away your top three books of 2009 to one lucky winner. Hmmm, I'm running out of ideas for books to ask for now. How about Ice? Ends Dec 17th.

Kristen from Bookworming the 21st Centruy is having 25 contest to celebrate her 25th birthday. (Happy Birthday!). Day 7's contest has me really excited. It's for a copy of Devil's Kiss, which I still haven't gotten my hands on yet. Ends Dec. 30th. And check out all her other birthday giveaways while you're there!

Katie's Book Blog is having a 12 Books of Christmas Contest. That's right, one lucky winner will get a 12 book prize pack including Suite Scarlett, Magic Under Glass, Captivate and many more. Ends Dec 26th (my brother's birthday).

The 12 Blogs of Christmas
I know I posted about the 12 Blogs of Christmas last time. It starts this Saturday, so I've posted the schedule over there in the sidebar for you. Click on the button above to go the blog and get all the details starting Saturday!

Cindy from Princess Bookie (Day 8) is having a sneak peek at her contest over at her blog. Head over there to check out the preview (there's some good stuff)! Starting on the 19th, tell her Alyssa from the Shady Glade sent you!

Phew! That's a lot of contests. I hope you find some new blogs to read and win some great books too.


  1. Thanks for posting these. I always find a new contest in your contest roundup.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Jeez, 'tis the season for contests! This is quite the roundup. Even more than that, I was impressed by how pretty the covers of those books were. I know not to judge content by that, sure, but the facades are definitely attractive.

  4. Thanks for posting about this giveaways, there are so many of them going on!

  5. Your "Princess Bookie" link goes to A Passion for Books. Thought I'd let you know...

  6. Ack! Thanks for leeting me know. I've fixed it now.

  7. Great roundup! These posts are always super helpful. Thanks!


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