
Monday, December 07, 2009

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

On this date (December 7th) in 1941, Japanese airplanes bombed the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii. Although it happened almost 70 years ago, let's take a moment to remember the brave involved in the worst attack on American soil until September 11th. 2,402 Americans were killed and another 1,282 wounded.

It seems ironic that although the Japanese engineered the attack to keep the US from influencing battles in the Pacific this was the final straw that brought Americans into World War II officially. Four battleships were sunk on that day, but two were raised and repaired to fight against the Japanese later in the war.

The legacy of this attack lives on with the brave US troops currently serving all over the country. If you'd like to help a solider for Christmas, please visit this post by Sherry on Semicolon. She has all the links to find information on sending books, care packages, and holiday cards to troops overseas. So click over and bring a little Christmas cheer to a homesick solider. It may be one of the best things you do for someone else all December.

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