
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

December Comment Contest: Win a Copy of Radiant Darkness

Someone mentioned that they came back to check the poll this morning to see what book had won and it was gone. Sorry for the confusion! I removed it as soon as the poll was closed so I could surprise you this morning. So here we go.

So although the poll on the blog had a very clear winner due to some behind the scenes votes we had a bit of an upset. So look below to see what book won the contest. And then start commenting!

How to enter: Each qualifying comment you leave on this blog equals one entry into the pot. The more you comment, the better chance you have at winning. Your fate is in your own hands. So if you really want the book, comment a lot!At the end of the month I randomly pick one winner for the prize. It's that easy. Qualifying comments do not include "please enter me" or other contest-related comments.

This month you have a chance to win a new ARC copy of Radiant Darknessby Emily Whitman. To win it, comment away until 11:59 p.m. PST on December 31st. The top 10 commentors will get extra entries into the contest. You can check the top 10 using the widget in the left sidebar.

About the Book (from "He smiles. "Hello."

It's a deep voice. I can feel it reverberate in my chest and echo all the way down to my toes.

I know I should leave, but I don't want to. I want to keep my senses like this forever. I'm all eye, all ear, all skin.

Persephone lives in the most gorgeous place in the world. But her mother's a goddess, as overprotective as she is powerful. Paradise has become a trap. Just when Persephone feels there's no chance of escaping the life that's been planned for her, a mysterious stranger arrives. A stranger who promises something more—something dangerous and exciting—something that spurs Persephone to make a daring choice. A choice that could destroy all she's come to love, even the earth itself.

In a land where a singing river can make you forget your very name, Persephone is forced to discover who—and what—she really is."


  1. I actually really liked this book and reviewed somewhere on my blog...but I'm sort of a mythology junkie.

  2. I love mythology, a Hades seems like a badboy! this book seems so good :)
    Could you enter me if this is international?


  3. This sounds like a great book. I have never heard of it before but I love mythology :)

  4. Wow, nice giveaway!

    I really liked the mention of mythology in the blurb, and the cover is lovely :)

  5. Its my first time hearing about this book nut it sounds good.

  6. This is my first time hearing about this book and it sounds super great!

  7. Radiant Darkness sounds so good and I love the mythology premise of it!

  8. And I totally love the cover and the title so yes, this is definitely going on my wishlist!

  9. This sounds really good! Mythology is interesting and like the concept of the book.

  10. This sounds awesome! Can't wait to read it.

  11. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Hi :)
    RADIANT DARKNESS looks to be an interesting read. Persephone sounds like a great character.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win it.
    All the best,

  12. I love the cover of the book. I also love mythology so I really need to put this book in to my TBR pile. Is this an international contest?

  13. I love the Demeter/Persephone myth...I'll have to check this one out. But I'd love to win it, too... :)

  14. This book sounds like it's really good. I love the cover.

  15. This book sounds amazing! Then again, I'm addicted to Greek mythology, so I'm not surprised. :P

  16. Heh, after I posted I figured that's why you did it. Sneaky, sneaky!

    I, too, enjoy mythology. Radiant Darkness sounds like an interesting book!

  17. I would LOVE to win this!!
    Thankyou!! :D:D:D


  18. This sounds interesting. I haven't read a book based on mythology before.

    findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  19. Anonymous1:22 PM

    The author, Emily Whitman, is new to me and I would love to read her book.


  20. this sounds like a fantastic read thanks minsthins at optonline dot net

  21. Thi sounds like a great book! I would love to read it.

  22. Obviously missed this, which means... I must go comment like crazy. :) Expect lots of comment alerts.. if you do that type of thing! :)

  23. I love love love Mythology! I see that this one is based on it. Hades kidnapped Persephone based on mythology. This sounds like an interesting read!

    Is this open internationally? If not, it's okay. :D

  24. This book sounds great. I love'd this story in mythology. =)

  25. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I've heard about this book before, and it sounds so interesting! Please enter me in for this fabulous contest! :D

    ~Jacqueline (bookbutterfly, "The Nerdette")


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