
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Welcome to A Shady Glade Christmas

Well, this is it. After several weeks of me hinting about what's coming in December, here it is. It is my pleasure to present...

Hmm. Nope, something's missing. Oh, I know:

There. That fanfare ought to put you in the right mood.

Now where was I?

It is my pleasure to present to you...

A Shady Glade Christmas!

From now until December 25th I'll be having a Christmas themed post. There will also be a special giveaway for 12 of those days (more information later today). So come back every day to read reviews, learn more about Christmas traditions, and of course win some stuff.

I know that not all of you celebrate Christmas, and that's okay. But I hope you'll still join me as I explore one of my all time favorite holidays and as we share and celebrate the wonder that is this time of year.

All the basic information will go up today, and then the fun starts tomorrow. So be sure to come back.

And if you want a little bling for your blog, grab my button for your sidebar:

<center><a href=""><img style="WIDTH: 180px; HEIGHT: 125px; CURSOR: hand" src="" /></a></center>

(Let me know if it doesn't work please. This is the first time I've done a button and I have no idea if I did it right...)


  1. Sounds like great fun. Add your posts to Mr. Linky to help spread the word about your posts!

  2. Whee!! I knew Dec was gonna be awesome over here!! :)

  3. I love December! Is the best month of all (holidays, gifts and more holidays!) and my b-day :)

  4. Sounds great. I like the button and just added it to my blog.

  5. Heh, an advent-calendar blog. This should be a festive month.

  6. Yay! I'm not into Halloween AT ALL, and a lot of people themed the whole fall with spooky stuff. I can't wait for this to be awesome Christmas season, which I LOVE dearly. Yay!

  7. Ooh, very exciting! Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday, also.

    Love the button! I'm definitely going to post it on my blog :D

  8. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Yay, a blogosphere Christmas! I love the button, I'll add it to my sidebar.


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!