
Friday, December 11, 2009

Give A Little This Christmas

So Cake Wrecks is a blog I discovered recently and am absolutely loving. And although I've been meaning to feature them here for a few weeks, that's not the point of this post. So I leave you with a link and you can either wait for the feature after the holidays or you can click over and discover on your own.

Now here's the reason for the post. John and Jen (the owners of the site) are starting a charity campaign for the rest of the month of December. And I'm here to help spread the word:

"Now, John and I will be choosing each day's charity based on our own individual passions - which might not match up exactly with your own - but even so I'm going to issue you a little challenge. Ready? Here 'tis:

Give one dollar to each day's charity.

If you each give one dollar - just one solitary smackeroo - together we can raise over $80,000 each day. BAM. Just like that. Imagine that 14 times over, all for worthy causes. Imagine the number of lives that could impact. Imagine, if you will...the bragging rights."
One dollar a day for 14 days is $14, something you could/would spend on a present anyway. But think about how your one dollar can impact the lives of so many!

Today's first charity is an organization called Water that provides wells to people who don't have water. I'm going over to donate my dollar, and you can learn more about the whole event on CW's original post.

If you guys are interested in this sort of thing, leave me a comment and let me know. I'll post about each charity every morning to try and help spread the word. And if not, that's cool too. I'll let you all discover for yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I think the charity to provide Water is wonderful. In the developed world you can never ever imagine what life would be when you have to go miles in search of water and even that water is not potable, not safe.

    Thanks for promoting this


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