
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holy Cow!

In case you haven't heard, it was just announced that Kirkus Reviews will be closing by the end of the year. As in just a few weeks from now.

Yes, that Kirkus Reviews. In case you haven't heard their name they are one of the top (if not the top) reviewing publications. Just go look at book up on Amazon and check the "Editorial Reviews" section. You're almost guaranteed to see one from Kirkus somewhere in that section. I mean, this company was started in 1933! They've been doing this for 75+ years!

I'm a little shocked. Okay, I'm a lot shocked. It really makes me wonder how this will affect the whole blogging vs. professional reviews debate. Guess only time will tell...

News taken from this NY Times article.


  1. What imbeciles! I cannot believe they won't even tell them yet if they can go on with the issue they're already working on--talking about E&P here. Crazy!

  2. I know! And can you imagine all those jobs lost too. Not only do they know whether they can keep working or not they don't even know if they'll be able to work if/when they finish that issue!

  3. 0_o No way... Do you know why they are closing up shop?! This is to crazy.

  4. The article didn't give a reason, so I don't really know why. Apparently the company is keeping pretty tight lipped about the whole situation in general.

  5. Kirkus closing? Seriously?! *mind boggled*


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