
Thursday, December 10, 2009

On the Ninth Day of Christmas...

On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 9 ladies dancing

Whenever I think of Christmas in literature, that scene at the beginning of Little Women comes to mind. So although it technically isn't a Christmas book, I still think of it that way. That's why I was delighted to find today's prize, which is for a gently used hardback copy of Christmas Dreams: Portraits of Little Womenby Susan Beth Pfeffer. This is from a series of continuations of the characters from Little Women and this particular book happens to be set during Christmas for the March family.

About the Book (from "Each of the girls has a choice to make about the beautiful brooch.

Meg's Christmas Dream: Meg would gladly exchange it for a gift for her father....

Jo's Christmas Dream: Jo behaves like a total scrooge and must learn the true spirit of Christmas.

Beth's Christmas Dream: Beth discovers what her sisters' and parents' lives would have been like without her.

Amy's Christmas Dream: Always happy to receive presents, Amy surprises everyone when she bestows a gift to a poor little girl.

This quartet of Christmas stories captures the joyful spirit of the holiday season."

To enter, please leave a comment below or send me an email with the subject line "Ninth Day of Christmas". If you haven't read them already, make sure you read the Contest Rules. You'll also find a roundup of all the other contests on that page. Open internationally until December 20th at midnight.

Extra entries (Be honest, I DO check these!):
+1 For following
+1 Posing in a sidebar
+2 Blogging post or twitter (leave a link)
+2 For being referred by someone (let me know who)
+1 For every person you refer

(if you are using your extra entries from other posts, please add those to your comment)


  1. Please enter me, thank you

  2. I am a google friend follower

  3. I follow and would appreciate you entering me for this ninth day of christmas giveaway.


  4. Love to be entered - thanks!

  5. I follow

  6. Please count me in.

    +1 follower

  7. I love Little Women the movie, but I haven't read any of the books.
    Please enter me.

  8. I had never heard of the book before reading your post but it certainly sounds interesting.

    I am a Follower. (International entry).

    Please include me in the drawing.

    Thank you and happy holidays.

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  9. I love the March family!!!

    +1 follower
    +1 sidebar
    +2 tweeted


    Please enter me in the giveaway.

    I am a follower.

  11. Please enter me! Thanks!

    +1 For following

    +1 Posting in a sidebar

    +2 Blogging post or twitter

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  12. Enter me please Happy Holidays

    I am a follower

  13. Please enter me.

    I am a follower.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  14. I'd love to play please!

    Already a follower.


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