
Thursday, January 28, 2010

ARGH! Or, Comment Spam

Okay, I really need some help here. I've been getting tons of comment spam lately from the same two or three offenders. This has been going on since before Christmas from these same three accounts, and I am done with dealing nicely.

Does anyone know if there is a way to block a specific user from commenting? I already have word verification on there, so that's cut down a lot on spam since I added it. But obviously these guys must be human since they get through that somehow.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm getting really frustrated here. I don't want to have to turn on comment moderation for all comments, but I guess that might be my only option if I can't block someone. I've tried Googling the problem, but it's not being very helpful (the only advice I can seem to find is to turn on word verification).

What do you do about spam comments?


  1. are they followers? if so Right below the pictures of your followers there is a clickable link that says " manage" click on that and you can block that follower

    if not, then i am not sure what to do as i have no clue how to block peoples ips and all that.

    and im sorry people are harrasing you!

  2. I went the route of comment moderation. I didn't want to do it initially, but I haven't had spam comment since December.

    Sorry you have to deal with annoying spammers! You'd think people would make better use of their time. Hopefully you can get the issue resolved soon!

  3. I had the same probleme and I started using moderation, and the offenders stopped posting eventualy.

  4. I'm getting sick of all the comment spam as well. Robot or human I'm ready to kick some butts...

  5. I was having this same problem. To help with it, I just enabled comment moderation for anything older than like 3 days- that way, if someone goes thorugh and tries to mass spam comment, I can just reject it all on the one page, without having to moderate ALL comments for every post. At least for my blog, after about 3 days, no one really comments on the posts anyhow but those spammers.

  6. That is such a bummer! I wish I had an answer for you, but I'm too new at blogging to help. Best wishes and I hope your problem gets fixed SOON.

  7. I'm a new blogger and haven't really encouraged followers yet as I am still in the tiny infant stage but am collecting info for potential problems so keep us informed if you do resolve this issue.


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