
Saturday, January 30, 2010

WHAT?!? Noooooooo....

So this may be old news for some of you (I'm still working through the last few days of blog posts in my reader) but I just found this out via Charlotte's Library. has pulled all Macmillan books from their inventory over a dispute on eBook prices. Apparently Macmillian requested Amazon raise the prices of their ebooks to around 15 (instead of the regular $9.99 for a Kindle edition). Why the price hike? You can thank the new Apple iPad. The released details can be found in this New York Times article.

I am so upset. I get a lot of my books from because they only two bookstores that have good YA selection within several miles of my home is a Borders (15 minute drive) and a Barnes and Noble (30 minute drive without traffic). And lets just say although their selection is the best, they are usually about 2-3 years behind the new releases.

And some of my favorite authors publish through Macmillian. Their books include Henry Holt, FSG, Saint Martin's Press, and First Second Books among others. You may recognize them from a little vampire series called House of Night...? Yeah, that publisher.

Not. On. Amazon. Anymore.

What's a distraught bookworm to do?

Thanks again to Charlotte for the heads up.


  1. You can buy the print versions through Their service is just as fast as Amazon's.

  2. Everyone else will be putting in similar requests and then Amazon will have nothing. I cannot wait until that happens and Amazon stops controlling publishing!

  3. I just heard about this as well, and I think it's crazy. I think Amazon is being a bully.

    Man. I can't believe they yanked a WHOLE publisher.

    Book Depository FTW! Lol.

  4. I heard about this too and think it's outrageous! I recommend -- they have free worldwide shipping on ANY order, and prices comparable to amazon!

  5. Argh forget Amazon. Amazon fail!


  6. Thanks for the heads up.

  7. how on earth can Amazon afford to do this? they're so stupid. i give it 6 months before they change their minds.


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