
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ramblings: Currently Reading

So I've been missing again for the past couple of days, mostly because I've been using my free time to play around with my new Goodreads account. The "currently reading" feature kind of fascinates me. And it made me think of something.

I'm the kind of person who can read multiple books at a time. I think I picked up this school through my English classes for college, since I would have a lot of different school books I was reading, and then ones I was reading for fun too. But as I'm trying to fill in my library, I notice I have a LOT of books that could be marked "currently reading". Not only do I have about 7 that I'm actively reading, but I have probably that many (or more) that I started to get into and then were placed aside for the time being in favor of something else. I wonder if that counts as "currently reading" too. Obviously I'm reading it, because I'm in the middle and I haven't abandoned it completely, but I'm not actively reading it either.

So what do you all do? Are you the type of reader who reads one (or two) books straight through before picking up a new one? If you read multiple books at a time, how many do you typically read at a time? What's the biggest number you've been reading at once?

Enquiring minds want to know. ;)


  1. I used to find it hard to read more than one at a time but I've started doing it (and getting better at it) since I started blogging and have to read so much! I wish I had your natural talent!

  2. My college reading is insane. As in way more than I think should be expected and I hate it when professors throw it in your face that you're attending Berkeley (or whatever college) so you should be able to handle the load. So...I only have time to read one book for fun beside all the other stuff I have to read for school that makes me want to pull out my hair!

    Power to you and your mad reading skills. If only I could read more than one book at a time!

  3. I can read more than one book at a time. Currently, I am reading three books. I think the most I've ever read at one time is 5.

  4. On my own time, I only read one book. Factor in reading for my English class (still in high school), I go up to two books. Then sometimes I can't bring my current read to school to read during free time (too adult, too big, too addicting) and then have to pick a different book JUST for school. But if you count all the books I started, never finished, and God knows when I'll never pick up again? That's another three or four.

  5. I can't read more then a book at a time, or I get lost

  6. Just in reading for my own personal enjoyment, I usually have two going at a time. I have whatever book I'm currently reading, and then one longer book like a biography that I read a little at a time over several months.

  7. Like you, I tend to read more than one book at a time. It's usually around 3 at the same time, although right now it's more like 5.

  8. I read a bunch at a time. I even keep a book in my bathroom, for those hard-to-go days.


  9. I love reading and it depends on my mood as to what I enjoy, so I have stashes of partially read books everywhere.
    All genre's and all authors are welcome in my house.

  10. Wow, 7 at the same time ! I couldn't do that, I'd get lost ! I always read two books at the same time : one for work (that I usually read during the day, since it's for work !) and one for my own pleasure (that stays on my bedside table). :)

  11. Hey Alyssa, a kindred soul or 2 I am finding on Goodreads and now another one in you. I read about 6 books at a time and right now have on my currently reading list on Goodreads that am reading 15. I have some of them on there because they are series books that am keeping front and center on the list so when all the books are released will read the series in order at one time.
    It is nice to surf the Goodreads site and try out all the different things to do and is time consuming and addictive as you have found out. Have fun with it!

    jackie b central texas

  12. Anonymous7:29 AM

    more than one........I usually finish them b4 they add up to 7 tho.........

  13. I'm pretty bad, I pick up books and pick up others.. next thing I know I'm reading 5 books..

  14. I usually have one book in my purse so if I forget to put in current read I will have a book but once I start to read that book I replace with new book. I also have book in bath room for quite times and one in living room. I also watch tv and read a habit I have from marriage when I had to watch what hubby wanted on tv..LOL

  15. I'm the same - I usually have several books on the go, and quite a few on my shelves that I've got part way into and no further.

  16. I always have 3+ books going at one time. I don't have a problem with it. I even have a few students like that.


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