
Thursday, January 21, 2010


Okay, okay, I finally did it. After being a firm LibraryThing user since September 2006, I have broken down and joined Goodreads. It was the same thing for me with Facebook actually. I resisted for years, but finally joined because I wanted to find some information the required you to be a member to access. Oh, well. The damage is done.

Now that I'm a member, I'm a little lost as to what to do. So for you veteran members out there, what are your suggestions? What do you find most helpful/least helpful? Any features I shouldn't miss? Any of you who are also LibraryThing users who have suggestions for me? Please leave in the comments below!

And if anyone is interested, here's my profile. As you can see, I've done absolutely nothing with it yet. I'm a brand new clean slate, so I'm totally open to suggestions!


  1. I've been keeping track of the books I've reviewed and TBR books there. I just put in a friend request. :)

  2. I love Goodreads! I use it all the time to add books to my TBR pile and I utilize it as another place to post reviews.

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    my fave part about good reads is keeping track of the books I've read and want to read
    to do that you use the search
    then you hit add to my bookshelf (and you can hit read,currently reading,want to read) if you rate it it attomatically gets added to the read shelf

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Yay! I also love Goodreads. I haven't tried LibraryThing but Goodreads has been amazing at keeping track of my reads and TBR books. It's fun keeping track and seeing the stats of my book reading. :D Haven't tried too many features but the quotes and lists are fun to read!

  5. Really it's just another virtual bookshelf.

    I just added you as a friend there.

  6. I love goodreads! I think you can export your books from librarything to goodreads instead of doing the whole long process.

    I just put in a friend request.

    Personally, I'm involved with a few goodreads groups and love the group-reads communal aspect. It's nice to read the same book as everyone and share our opinions.

  7. Aww, Goodreads, how I love thee.

    I put in a friend request.

  8. I belong to both and have found great features. I do like that you can have an unlimited number of books at Goodreads where LT only lets you list 199 and then you have to pay a fee. It's only been in the last few months that I've been exploring more at Goodreads and found new features to try. They have books listed for giveaways (in exchange for reviews) that you can enter for and they also have a swap section. You can add books to your own wishlist and if they become available from other members you pay the shipping costs to get them. You can also list books that you are willing to give away. There are groups for just about every topic too. Have fun and good luck!

  9. Yay for GoodReads! There is so much stuff you can do. They have giveaways, groups.. there is just too many things to list. Also you have your updates posted on Twitter and Facebook through their feeds.

  10. Yah! I too love Goodreads!

    If LT has a way for you to export a list of your read books do that and import the list to Goodreads. :)

    I love being able to track my progress while reading and adding little notes along the way. I also have those updates autofeed to Twitter.

    I also notice that Goodreads is a great place to find upcoming books that haven't been mentioned elsewhere. :) If you follow an author and visit their book list often you might stumble upon an upcoming release and add it to your TBR list. :)

    Goodreads also has a Swap option. It's pretty cool. I've used it a few times to get rid of some books but I haven't received any books via it. The requester pays for shipping to Goodreads and then the shipper prints our a prepaid shipping label from Goodreads. It's pretty simple stuff. :)

    There's also a giveaways section that I love browsing every few days. A great way to get exposed to some upcoming books, as well as a chance to actually win them. :)

    Hope that helps!

    I befriended you!

  11. Will add you as a friend - using my real name over there.

  12. FYI - I sent you a friend request.

    I like Goodreads better than Library thing, but maybe it's just because I'm used to it.

    The hardest thing is getting all your books listed. Some of the groups can be fun. I just like seeing what my Friends reviews are, and what are reading. I'm always asking how a book is going.

    Every book you list can either be a Read, Currently REading, or a TBR. I'm not the most savvy with it but I have had fun!

  13. I love Goodreads! I would have no Waiting Wanting Wishing with out it! I keep a shelf for future WWWs and one for books I already featured. That way I remember what books I wanted to do, and I can get the Amazon link, the picture and the discription all at once.


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