
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Very Random Post

Still battling El Nino here. Weather kind of scary and internet still shaky. Will be back when I can. Some hail, over 1" of rain, and 50 mph winds today. More coming tomorrow...

Anyway, this is completely random, but I just saw this in someone's signature and thought I'd share. I figured I'd better hurry and share before 1) I forget and/or 2) our power decides to snuff it:

Foolish human, do not meddle in the affairs of dragons. Because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
Food for thought. :)


  1. Cute signature. Hope you will be back soon.

  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    LOL! Never knew dragons had such an adorable sense of humor. :D Good luck with the weather, I can completely relate! Scary storms are the worst. D:

  3. Wow, that's really cute.

  4. I love this quote! Jake loves dragons. I'll use it on him. Thanks!

  5. Hm, do I taste good with ketchup though? I mean, what if ketchup isn't really my thing? What about mustard, or BBQ sauce, or mayo?

    As for the weather, I live in Fl, so I can totally 100% relate, and on top of that, everything here flood so easily. It can rain for an hour, which isn't really that long, and bam! you suddenly live in the middle of a freakin' lake! And then, if it rains a lot for a few days, my back porch floods and frogs decide to mate and they're so loud at night you can't sleep, and then you have little tad poles swimming around your porch, and then you have dead tad pole when the water drains. Poor tad poles.


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