
Monday, June 28, 2010

Book Battle: And the Winner Is...

For those of you who haven't seen the poll yet, the revived book for Round 4 is.... The Iron King!

Even with our few emailed votes, The Iron King was a strong winner, with Eyes Like Stars close behind. So now The Iron King stands to do battle with Before I Fall once again. Will the results be different this time? Stay tuned to find out!


  1. I have the Iron King but haven't read it. I read Before I fall and loved it. Hard to beat I bet! Can't wait to see the outcome!

  2. <3 the iron king and Before i fall. It going to be hard 2 chose.hmmm

  3. I have not read Before I Fall but I did The Iron King & Loved it!=) Cant wait to see the results!

  4. Wow, Both Iron King and Before I Fall are great choices. I have not read either but have them on my wish list.
    Will have to wait and see who wins. Thanks for the update.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com


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