
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Book Battle: Round 4 Mystery Book

Now that we've reached Round 4, you may have noticed we have 3 finalists and 4 spaces. So it's time to fill in that final space... by reviving an eliminated book! One of the titles that previously didn't make it will have a final chance to make it to the finals in Round 5.

While all our judges have been working hard reading their two assigned books, the team from Teens Read & Write have been working their way through the eliminated books to choose which one will move on. And it's been a daunting task. They've read every single book to make a decision, and they even did it ahead of schedule! So let's give Alyssa, Jake, and Gregory a huge, huge round of applause!

In the end, they were only able to narrow it down to six books, just because there are so many great titles in competition here. So now, you get to help them out!

Below you'll find a list of the six finalists for that mystery spot and the judges comments for why they chose each one to be on this list. YOUR task is to pick one and vote! I've created a new poll for our Goodreads group to pick the winner. Just visit this link, become a member of the group (if you aren't already) and pick your favorite.

If you don't do Goodreads, you can also email me your vote at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com with the subject line "Revival Vote". The book with the most votes by June 26th will be the winner.

So if you have a favorite book from this group, vote for it. And then tell your friends to vote too. Because the more votes a book gets, the better chance it has!

The Revival Finalists:
(judges comments are in italics)

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
Eliminated in Round 1
Great imagination, lots going on, humor, enjoyable characters and good romance

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Eliminated in Round 1
Great bad boy, fun romance, interesting premise

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Eliminated in Round 2
Another great premise, sweet romance, likable characters and enjoyed it from the male perspective

Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
Eliminated in Round 2
Original idea, hilarious characters, humor, fun love triangle, strong heroine, great twists on old stories

Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvey
Eliminated in Round 2
Fun romance, great family vampire drama, spunky heroine, sassy repartee, bursting with action and intrigue

Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken
Eliminated in Round 3
Terrific fantasy, fun new world, good twists, vivid setting, lots of magic, capable heroine, sweet romance

And there you have it. Which one do YOU think deserves a second chance? Cast your vote and let your voice be heard!


  1. HOLY CRAP!!! That's a hard pick....I think I'd have to choose between Brightly Woven and The Iron King...but I'm not sure which one would come out on top for me....hmmm...I have some thinking to do. Huge applause for the gang at Teens Read & Write. Great job guys! :)

  2. Tough choices! I’m rooting for Brightly Woven :)

  3. Oh! Fingers crossed for Beautiful Creatures...

  4. Wow - which to choose! I am still torn between Iron King and Beautiful Creatures! I am leaning to Iron King.


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