
Monday, July 05, 2010

Registering for Book Blogger Appreciation Week

I know I'm coming late to the bandwagon, but I've decided to register for Book Blogger Appreciation Week after all. I know the chances of me actually winning anything are pretty slim, but I think it's a good exercise in reflection of your blog as well. So if, like me, you haven't registered yet, check out the Book Blogger Appreciation Week homepage to get started.

I've decided to register in the "eclectic" category, because although my focus is Young Adult lit, I do a lot of other things besides just YA reviews, especially when looking over the reviews I've done in the past year since the last BBAW. And here's my examples of why I feel I fit eclectic:
  • I enjoy doing reviews of graphic novels and/or comics like this one about The Haunted Mansion.
  • I occasionally do children's/middle grade books like this post about the Holly Claus books.
  • I really had fun with this review, which featured not only my thoughts but my family's as well.
  • And of course, I also do Young Adult reviews too, like this one for Never After.
But I also do a lot of other things on this blog besides just reviews. From my LOLcat of the Week feature, to blogosphere memes, to random ramblings. Of course, my favorite example of this right now is my YA Bloggers Debut Book Battle, which is my current project.

So that's my blog in a nutshell, at least over the last year. Here's to see what other good posts we have in store for the next time BBAW rolls around!


  1. I love BBAW - and best of luck to you in your category :)

  2. Hey, that's great news! Glad to hear you registered for BBAW - last year, I really enjoyed visiting the nominated blogs.

    I had planned to register my blog as well, but we just returned from a 3-week vacation, and I see the deadline is July 7! Yikes - not sure if I can pull it together in time...still working through the 700 e-mails I came home to!

    Good luck!


  3. Have been reading your blog. It's nice to see someone so devoted to books. My Dad's an English Professor who taught creative writing (or used to be...recently retired), so I love this kind of thing. Thanks for putting a fun blog together!


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!