Well, it started as a crazy idea. An idea that seemed popular (to my surprise) and it kind of took off from there.
The YA Bloggers Debut Book Battle is a bracket-style judging contest to pick the best nominated debut work published in the last year (and a little bit of 2010).
Here's how it will work:
People will have a chance to nominate a book of their choice to take place in the battle. After nominations close, the books will be narrowed down and fit into brackets for our lovely volunteer judges to read. Starting in late April each judge will read two books and choose a winner. One will move on, one will not. It will all come down to two books in a epic book battle to choose the best!
Latest Updates:
9/9 - The wrap-up post has been put up, concluding the 2010 Battle. You can catch up on everything and leave your feedback here.
9/4 - The final winner has been announced! This post has the winner.
7/8 - Round 4 Winners have been announced. Check out the announcement post to see which books have made it to the finals.
6/28 - The Mystery Revived Book is... The Iron King! It will get a second chance to battle during Round 4. Results coming soon!
6/22 - If you haven't been keeping up with the announcements, make sure you check out this post to see all the winners for Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3.
5/10 - Winners from Round 1 have been announced. Check out this post to see which books are coming out on top.
5/9 - Round 2 has started! Winners coming soon!
And they're off! Get the details from the Battle Starting Line.
For those cheering us from the sidelines, find out all the ways you can keep up with all the action.
The brackets are complete! Check out which books will be battling which books here.
The Official Nomination List has been posted, so you can check out the 24 books that will be in the running for the top spot. Make sure you also check out the Battle trailer while you're there.
You can also grab the battle button in the left sidebar, or view our Goodreads group to stay up to date with the latest happenings.
Now, get ready to battle!
Question - Do we have some sort of choice on which 2 books we'll be judging?
This is such an awesome idea! Unfortunately I've only been blogging since 3/8 or I would totally apply to be a judge. I'll be nominating though!
Ooooh! I'd like to be a judge so bad, but I can't afford to buy any more books right now, and the Library is too inconvenient for me.
Depending on how this goes, do you think you'll do this agai next year?
I wish I had known about this sooner - I would love to judge! Good luck!
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