And we're now ready to battle. The offical reading kick off is tomorrow, Sunday April 25th. That's when our lovely Round 1 judges will be working through the first set of brackets. So things will continue to be a little more quiet around here as they work on that. And then as soon as they're done, we'll be annoucing which books moved on and which ones well... didn't.
Now, hopefully I'll have some time to get my butt in gear and write some reviews in the next two weeks...
that looks like so much fun :D
I am so excited for this. Your book pairings are quite fab. May the best book win!
I can't wait to get started! This will be so much fun!
My 16 year old just had some minor oral surgery yesterday. What better way to recuperate than to hang out and read all weekend. I ran by the bookstore and purchased The Iron King and Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side. Thanks for the brackets...that ought to get her going. jfs
Woohooo!!!! Can't wait! I think we all have some tough decisions ahead!
Have fun everyone!
Thanks for nominating my book, someone! (Now I have to never look and see how it did...)
Can't wait to see what makes it through to our round 2 bracket.
Sounds like so much fun! I just put on a post to spread the word!
You've done a great job on this! The challenge looks like a lot of fun! I can't wait to read all the reviews!
It's funny how some time last year one book publisher (I can't remember which one) made a comment on how bloggers really didn't have an impact on book sales. But a challenge like this proves that bloggers are important. There is so much excitement generated for these books by a challenge like this you should probably get an award!
I'm glad I made my way over here from Michelle & Leslie's book blog!
*bites nails*
I'm nervous excited! Have fun!
This is awesome...I'll be watching!!
Love the chart!!
Many thanks to you. This challenge is exciting to watch!=)
I made a blog post on the update with this chart and another button to link my readers here!=)
Wow, what fun! And what a lot of work it must have been--thanks!
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