
Thursday, July 07, 2011

Unexpected Delay

Well, today I was supposed to begin announcing the roundup for Series 2 results. I had plans to come straight home from work and start composing my post right away. Only that didn't happen. Let's just say when I got back to my car there was a very nasty surprise waiting for me. Without getting into gritty details it involved spending the rest of the night with a call to the local PD, cleaning up lots of broken glass, and gathering information for the insurance company. Bah.

Anyway, needless to say I've had a rough evening. So tomorrow will begin the roundup of results. Sorry about the delay everyone. I know you're all anxious to see which books are moving on.

Meanwhile, we've got some great discussions getting started in the battle Goodreads group. Have you joined yet? (yeah, yeah, shameless plug, I know...)


  1. Oh no, that's the worst! I hope everything works out, and I hope they didn't get anything too special. :/

  2. NOO! I hope you are okay and get some rest!!

  3. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Sorry to hear about your evening. I wish you blue skies ahead

  4. That's so brutal! =( I'm so sorry that happened to you.


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