
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Introducing the Tamora Pierce Reading Challenge

UPDATE: By popular demand, the deadline for this challenge has been extended until January!  See this post for details.  Even if you're just now coming to this challenge, feel free to jump in at any time.

I know currently smack dab in the middle of a huge blog undertaking for the YA Bloggers Book Battle, and I need another project like I need a hole in my head.  But I had this idea come into my head a couple weeks ago and it's been hard to think of anything else.  So I present to you, the 2011 Tamora Pierce Reading Challenge!

<center><a href=""><img src="" /></a></center>

So why this challenge?  Well, Tamora Pierce is one of my all-time favorite authors, and she has a new book coming out October 25: Mastiff, the last book in the Beka Cooper trilogy.  To celebrate, from now until October 31, I'm going to reread some of my favorite Tamora Pierce books, finishing up with her newest book (a short story collection) out in February, Tortall and Other Lands, which I got for my birthday.  Since that's the only book of hers I haven't read from cover to cover yet.  :)

So I thought it would be fun to have others join me.  I know I'm not the only one out there who's a Tamora Pierce fan after all.  So set a goal to finish a set, or re-read your favorite.  And if you haven't tried her books yet, maybe you want to give them a try?  She has 27 "full" books currently published, not including books that she's edited, contributed a short story to, or her comic book series for adults.  So there's a little something for everyone out there.

And the fun doesn't stop here!  Check back for new posts every once in awhile celebrating all things Tamora Pierce, guest posts, features, and of course, there will be prizes!  I'm still deciding what the prizes will be, but will post as soon as I know that they are.  Once I've banged out the kinks, I'll post the details in the next week so you'll know exactly what you're winning.  The challenge prize has been posted here. If I get enough people to join in with me, I'll even add a Mr. Linky for you to post reviews of books if you're so inclined.

This reading challenge is totally low pressure.  You can set a goal as big or as little as you want.  Choose your challenge from the list below.  Some of her books are quite small and quick to finish, while others are more hefty.  So pick a goal you think you can reach:

Page - A good start for beginners.  Complete 1-4 books
Squire - For those ready for the next level, complete 5-8 books
Knight/Lady Knight - A steady challenge at halfway, complete 9-14 books
Duke/Duchess - For serious fans, complete 15-20 books
King/Queen - This level is for serious fans, and comes complete with a royal title, complete 21-26 books
Emperor/Empress - For diehard fans, think you can finish all 27 books?

If you want to join me, here's what you do:
This challenge runs from July 6th-October 31 December 31, but you can join at any time between now and then
  • Choose a participation level, and create a list of the books you'd like to complete
  • For bloggers, create a post on your blog about the challenge and include your list.  You can also grab the button above for your sidebar.
  • Leave a direct link to your challenge post in Mr. Linky below.
  • Non-bloggers are welcome too!  Leave your list in the comments of this post, or if link to a Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Shelfari, Librarything, etc. account.
  • Spread the word: if you have a friend who you think will enjoy this challenge, let them know about it.  The more the merrier!
  • Get reading!  Audiobooks also count for this challenge, so if you're too busy to read, you can also try listening.
  • You are welcome to do update posts as you wish throughout the challenge.  Or not.  It's completely up to you.
  • Report your results.  I'll be putting up another Linky at the end of October December for everyone to report how they did.
  • Have fun!  Enjoy the feature posts, check out what other participants are reading, read some reviews.  But most of all, enjoy the process!
Being the diehard fan (and possibly insane) person I am, I will be attempting to complete the Empress level.  I'll list all my books after Mr. Linky (since it's a long list).  Will I be able to make it?  Hmmm... I sure hope so.  Don't worry though, I won't let this eclipse the other blogging activities I have going on!

Some come in and join the fun!  Feel free to let me know if anyone has questions, and sign up using Mr. Linky  below:

In attempting the Empress level, I will be attempting to read all 27 books.  And here's the order I'm completing them in (already half done with the first one!)

The Circle books
Circle of Magic series:
Sandry's Book
Tris's Book
Daja's Book
Briar's Book

The Circle Opens series:
Magic Steps
Street Magic
Cold Fire

The Circle Reforged books:
The Will of the Empress (one of my favorites)
Melting Stones

The Tortall books
Song of the Lioness:
Alanna: The First Adventure
In the Hand of the Goddess
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
Lioness Rampant

The Immortals:
Wild Magic
Wolf Speaker
Emperor Mage
The Realm of the Gods

Protector of the Small:
First Test
Lady Knight

The Trickster:
Trickster's Choice
Trickster's Queen

Beka Cooper (first chronologically, but the newest books):
Mastiff (Recently released 10/25/11)

Standalone Tortall title: 
Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales


  1. My co-blogger Jessica linked me to this, and yes please! I am all about this.

    I was recently rereading the Immortals series and enjoying how nicely they've held up since childhood, and for this challenge I'd love to read more of the Beka Cooper books or one of the other series I haven't revisited in a while.

    I'll probably shoot for Page just to give myself some slack, but maybe I'll get farther! Thank you so much for coming up with this challenge, I'm super excited.

  2. Anonymous11:42 PM

    And of course, Mia signed up before I did even though I linked it to her, haha!

    Anyway, my friends and I are all pretty big Pierce fans, so I'm all over this. I posted more detail over at my/our blog, but I'm going to go for the Lady Knight level.

    Thanks for hosting this challenge! I love Pierce and I love reading challenges and I'm so excited!

  3. Which book would you recommend for someone that's new to this author?

  4. Really excited about this. Not sure if Kristen has seen it.. but I am sure she will be joining in as well.

  5. Hi, I just saw this on someone's tumblr and I would love to do this challenge!

    I'm aiming for a Queen/Empress title! I know I can finish all the Tortall Books in like a month but the Circle Books I never got into...I'll give them another shot!

    I might start this challenge in early August though because I have to take care of some things first. After that I'll be marathoning Tamora Pierce books like it's nobody's business!

  6. Woot! Finally an excuse to drop everything re-read my collection! I'll be going for Empress level as well (I'm only missing 3 of the 27 books), and I'm really looking forward to it. Best of luck to everyone!

  7. Super excited! This is an awesome Challenge!

  8. Found this by chance, and I'm so excited! I actually JUST started re-reading the series this weekend! I'm done with Terrier, and working my way through Bloodhound :) And then, the the other 25 books! :D

  9. I'm really disappointed that I just found this now.. totally would have done it, but there's no way I can reread anything before tomorrow... I won't be able to get my hands on a copy of Mastiff for a while, though, so I have time to do some rereading before then!

  10. Will you do this again in 2012? It's the perfect excuse to pull her off my shelves and indulge.


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