
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blogoversary Challenge #7

Oops!  I meant to post this challenge and completely forgot apparently.  So you'll get 2 challenges today, one now and one later on! 

There was a great response to Eleni's guest post on how reading has changed her life.  This has caused my own reflections over the past few days, and inspired the idea for this challenge.  So here's what you need to do. 

I want you to share a favorite reading memory.  Maybe you remember the first time you discovered you enjoyed reading.  Maybe it's about a book that particularly excited or touched you.  Maybe you remember going to the library for preschool storytime or a family member reading to you as a child. 

To jump start your ideas, here's one of my fond reading memories:

I don't really remember when I decided I loved reading.  But I can remember when my reading habits took off.  You remember those Scholastic book orders you used to get in school?  Some of them had subscription-type clubs on the back page, where you could sign up to have a book(s) with some sort of theme sent to you every month.  When I was in 2nd grade, my mom signed me up for the Boxcar Children club.  I'd get 3 books a month, along with a newsletter of related acitivities like how to make your own peanut butter, etc.  And I never touched them.  So by the 5th month, she cancelled the subscription, saying she was sick of paying for books I never read.  So all 15 books just stayed on my shelf, sitting there unread. 

About a year later, one night I decided to pick up the first book on a whim.  It took me 5 months to get through the first 3 books in the series, but I was determined to finish them.  By the time I started the 4th book, I was starting to really get into these books.  By the time I was reading the 7th one, I would start the book when I went to bed, and stay up late into the night (without my parents knowing) so I could finish the book and solve the mystery.  It was wonderful, and I've considered myself a bookworm ever since. 

So what's your favorite reading memory?  I'll post some of your memories later on in the blogoversary, so we can all share and celebrate our love for reading and books.  :)
Challenge Details:
Points: +5 for sharing your memory with us
Deadline: Midnight on October 2nd
How To Enter: Fill out the Google form below to enter. If you have problems with the form, you can also email me your entries at shadygladeATmailDOTcom.

1 comment:

  1. I just entered mine. =) It's not particularly meaningful or touching, but it does show how important I've always found reading, haha.


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