
Thursday, December 15, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Gameboard

This is our game post for the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway 2011. Please do not comment on this post unless you are one of our 12 players. Thank you!

Reminders for players:
If possible, please post your move(s) as comments on this post. It will help everyone follow the game as easily as possibly. If you cannot post a comment, email me your choice.

On your turn:
Choose a gift to unwrap (comment as “I’d like to unwrap #X”) or steal one of the revealed prizes (comment “I would like to steal X”). Leave a comment on this post with your move.

If you have been stolen from:
Either choose a new gift to unwrap, or you can steal another revealed prize.

Rules for stealing: You cannot steal a book directly back after someone has stolen it from you. (You can steal it back later though.) Each prize will be allowed 3 steals and then it is out.

Play Order (and books currently held):
Victoria Z. - The Angel Doll: A Christmas Story by Jerry Bledsoe
Amanda (That Teen Can Blog) - The Quiet Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott
Michelle (chelleyreads) -My Life as a Snow Bunny by Kaz Delaney
Andrea / Purplg8r- Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Christmas Treasury

Mary [M.A.D] - Love, Santa: A Different Kind of Christmas Story by Sharon Glassman
Lieder Madchen - Politically Correct Holiday Stories: For an Enlightened Yuletide Season by James Finn Garner
Wrighty - I'll Be Home for Christmas by Thomas Kinkade
Erica - Secret Santa by D. E. Athkinz (2 steals)
Mashal W - The Joy of a Peanuts Christmas: 50 Years of Holiday Comics
Hamwam - Last Christmas (the Private Prequel) by Kate Brian (3 steals and out of play!)
misskallie2000 -The Cat Who Came for Christmas by Cleveland Amory (1 steal)
Patsy H. - No response to play. She can come pick from the leftovers later. :)


Gift #1
Doing Santa's job isn't always easy, especially in New York (Novella)
It's Love, Santa: A Different Kind of Christmas Story by Sharon Glassman
Currently held by Mary

Gift #2
"I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." (Anthology)

Gift #3
What will my true love give to me?  (Picture Book)

Gift #4
May this heavenly toy always bring you love (Novella)
It's The Angel Doll: A Christmas Story by Jerry Bledsoe
Currently held by Victoria

Gift #5
Christmas with the painter of light (Picture Book)
It's I'll Be Home for Christmas by Thomas Kinkade
Currently held by Wrighty

Gift #6
Guess who's coming for dinner Christmas? (Novel)
It's The Cat Who Came for Christmas by Cleveland Amory
Currently held by misskallie (1 steal)

Gift #7
"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents" (Novella)
It's The Quiet Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott
Currently held by Amanda

Gift #8
I'm not skiing the big slopes! (Young Adult)
It's My Life as a Snow Bunny by Kaz Delaney
Currently held by Michelle

Gift #9
Jolly like the big man himself (Kids Anthology)

Gift #10
That's the true meaning of Christmas Charlie Brown (Anthology)
It's The Joy of a Peanuts Christmas: 50 Years of Holiday Comics
Currently held by Mashal

Gift #11
"His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!" (Picture Book)

Gift #12
Christmas stories in the modern world? (Anthology for adults)
It's Politically Correct Holiday Stories: For an Enlightened Yuletide Season by James Finn Garner
Currently held by Lieder Madchen

Gift #13
No room left at the inn (Picture Book)

Gift #14
Mini doses of Christmas cheer (Anthology)

Gift #16
Warms your heart and soul (Anthology)
It's Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Christmas Treasury
Currently held by Andrea

Gift #17
Let's take a (Christmas) quiz! (Kids anthology)

Gift #18
A holiday party with a morbid twist (Young Adult)
It's Secret Santa by D. E. Athkinz
Currently held by Erica (2 steals)
Gift #19
Symbols of Christmas (Family Anthology)
Gift #20
Morning Glory for Christmas Day (Kids Novella)

Prizes out of play (stolen 3 times):
Gift #15
I know what you did last summer Christmas (Young Adult)
It's Last Christmas (the Private Prequel) by Kate Brian
Currently held by Shana (3 steals and OUT!)


  1. Oh, Alyssa!! These are all so wonderful - I can't wait until it's my turn lol :D

  2. Victoria is up first! She has been emailed to come make her move.

  3. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Alyssa I choose Gift #15 please. Victoria

  4. #15 is Last Christmas (the Private Prequel) by Kate Brian

    Updating post and emailing Amanda, who is next up.

  5. Umm...I'll choose gift #18. Thanks!

    That Teen Can Blog

  6. #18 is Secret Santa by D. E. Athkinz

    Updating post and emailing Michelle, who up next.

  7. Michelle has chosen to reveal gift #8. It is My Life as a Snow Bunny by Kaz Delaney

    Updating post and emailing Andrea who is up next

    (links are not working for me at the moment, so I will go in and add them all later).

  8. I will choose #6. Andrea

  9. You all are being so nice so far. No stealing so far...

  10. #6 The Cat Who Came for Christmas by Cleveland Amory

    Updating post and emailing Mary, who is up next

  11. I'm here :D
    This is so much fun!!!

    I'll be the first little stinker to STEAL lol ;D

    #15 from Victoria

  12. Updating post and emailing Victoria for her to come take another turn

  13. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I choose gift 4. Victoria

  14. #4 is The Angel Doll: A Christmas Story by Jerry Bledsoe

    Updating post and emailing Lieder Madchen who is up next

  15. This is so much fun! I pick #12. :)

  16. Thanks Alyssa! I'm so tempted to steal but I'm very curious about #5. I'll take that gift please!! :)

  17. #5 is I'll Be Home for Christmas by Thomas Kinkade

    Updating post and emailing Erica, who is up next

  18. I'm going to steal Gift #15

  19. Sorry guys! I've been sick again and kind of fell of the bandwagon at keeping this updated.

    Erica now has #15, so I am updating the post and emailing Mary for her to come replace her book.

  20. :) I think I'd like #1
    (hope you are feeling better, Alyssa!)

  21. #1 is Love, Santa: A Different Kind of Christmas Story by Sharon Glassman

    Updating post and emailing Mashal for her to come take her turn

  22. I will 18 ;) Feel better Alyssa :D

  23. I'd like to steal gift 15! It looks very good!

  24. It's not quite Shana's turn yet. I've emailed her to let her know.

    Updating post and emailing Amanda, who needs to replace the book Mashal stole.

    Thanks everyone!

  25. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Whose turn is it?

  26. It's still Amanda's turn. She hasn't responded within 24 hours, but I'm giving her a bit of a break since we're so close to Christmas. I've emailed her again. If she doesn't respond by 5:00, I will move her to the bottom and Shana can take her turn.

  27. Oh goodness! I haven't received an e-mail, so I'm glad I checked here! I don't know whats up with my account..

    Umm..I'll open gift #7

  28. #7 is... The Quiet Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott

    Updating post and emailing Shana for her to come take her turn now. :)

  29. Shana has chosen to stick with her original move and steal #15. That's three steals for that present, so it is now out of play.

    Updating post and emailing Erica to come replace her prize.

  30. I am going to steal gift #18

  31. That's 2 steals for #18. One more and it is out of play.

    Updating post and emailing Mashal for her to come pick again

  32. Hmmm....I think I'll unwrap gift 10 :)

  33. #10 is The Joy of a Peanuts Christmas: 50 Years of Holiday Comics.

    Updating post and emailing misskallie to come play.

  34. I would like to steal #6.


    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  35. Whoops! Got busy and forgot to come update this...

    Emailing Andrea to come pick a new book.

  36. I will open gift #16

  37. Oops! Forgot to come here and reveal Andrea's prize. #16 is Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Christmas Treasury

  38. No response from Patsy, so I am ending the game. If she emails later she can pick one of the unrevealed prizes!

  39. Thanks for all the fun I had. Sent you email with info requested.

    Hope you feel better soon

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!