
Friday, December 16, 2011

Guest Post: Erica from The Book Cellar

One of my favorite parts of doing A Shady Glade Christmas is getting to read all the awesome guests post submitted. Today I'm happy to share my first guest blog of this season, from my old friend Erica of the Book Cellar. Erica is posting about her favorite wintery reads, so take it away Erica!

[Also, my links aren't working for some reason, so I will go back and add them all in later]

I am not a big fan of winter by any means. I enjoy snow for about a week around Christmas, and have no tolerance for the cold. But there is one thing I enjoy about winter: sitting by the fire, curled up with hot chocolate and a good book, escaping from the cold outside. So I thought I would share with you my favorite books to read in the wintertime by the fire :)

Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols: This is a long time favorite – it is a great one to reread, especially by a warm fire.

The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab: This book shares a tale so bewitching in Schwab’s fairytale-esque world. It can get a bit creepy at times, so the fire is a good comfort to have. Plus the story is so dreamy that you will simply get swept up in the story, and forget about the weather outdoors.

When It Happens by Susane Colasanti: This story has one of the most adorable romances ever and is just a favorite of mine to reread time and time again.

Any of the Simon Pulse Romantic Comedies – I own essentially the entire collection of these – they are absolutely wonderful. They are great stories of whirl wind romances and you can read one easily in an afternoon.

The Private Series by Kate Brian: I love getting caught up in the drama, disaster, and romances of this stories. The pages just fly by, and every new book in the series brings more to the story and introduces new great characters.

Erica blogs at the YA Book Blog, The Book Cellar. When she is not reading, you can find her singing, dancing, or on stage in whatever show the local theater is currently doing. She is currently a freshmen in college where she is studying science education.


  1. Enjoyed Erica's post and her book recommendations :)
    And I'm also not too keen on winter lol

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Thanks for the book titles - just in time for the holidays and Jan birthdays.


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