Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Can’t access my blog to update

Hi everyone. Just a quick note to let you know I’m on an indefinite break from blogging. For some reason I can’t access either of my blogs or blogger to make any changes. I can’t even see what I’ve already posted, and many blogger blogs are not opening on my computer. :-(
So for now I’m on an indefinite break until I can get it figured out. It really bums me out because I had a lot of really cool stuff planned for this week. But right now I can’t post anything. I managed to get this post up because my wonderful brother (who is currently 3 states away) was able to access my account to quickly post this. Right now, the Catching Fire Contest will remain open indefinitely until I can figure out what’s going on.
If you can see this post, please, please, please, comment here so that I can try to figure out how big the problem is. Even if you don’t normally comment or you want to comment anonymously, please (!) consider doing so on this post. And if you have problems commenting, but can see the post, please send me an email at shadyglade AT mail DOT com and let me know. I really need your help on this one!
Thanks for hanging in there. We’ll get this worked out soon (hopefully)!


throuthehaze said...

i can see all your posts!

Kristen said...

I can see your post! Maybe it's your computer? Did you try using a different internet program?

L said...

I can see the post.

Stacy said...

All your posts are crystal clear on my end. Can't wait til you figure out the bug and get back to blogging :)

thecheeseinmymacaroni [at] gmail [dot] com

Cecelia said...

i can see all your posts too.

Katie said...

I can see all your posts too! Hopefully you can figure it out!

Jessica B said...

Your blog looks fine to me. So sorry that you're having problems!


-.- said...

I can see the post too! I hope your situation clears up and you're back blogging soon.

~ Popin

CherylS22 said...

I can see all your posts.

~The Book Pixie said...

I can see your post. I'm having a very similar problem. When I go to my blog page, all I see is part of the left sidebar and i can't see my posts or right sidebar. I also can't view my comments. No one else seems to have a problem viewing that stuff on my page though. It is just from my computer so I feel your pain. :(


WhatBriReads said...

I can see your posts too :)

Andrea said...

I can see everything :)

queen of entropy said...

I can see your posts, and I can read all the comments, too! (I checked with both Firefox and IE.)

I hope you can resolve your blog problems!

Lizzy said...

What kind of computer are you using? The same thing was happening on my mac a week or two ago, and all I had to do was update it. If you are using a pc it might just be an individual program that needs to be updated (I think I had to update my Java to get it to work).

If all else fails, Google it! Good luck

Anonymous said...

I can see all of your posts as well.


I can see your post...all of them. and if your brother can get into it, then it must be your computer. try your anti-virus software. disable it, and see if you can get into blogger.


Kate said...

I can see the post and comment :)

I hope you work out what is wrong with it.

Jake said...

I can see it.

Jake said...

Have you contacted your ISP?

Turity said...

I can see the posts! I agree that it must be your computer or browser you're using. Hope it's fixed real soon =)

Melanie said...

I hope you're able to figure the problem out soon. Can't wait to have you back!

Julie said...

I can see your post and it showed up on my google reader! I hope all your problems are resolved soon because I really enjoy your blog!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I can see your post!

Hope you're up and running again soon!

Anonymous said...

I can see your post.

Unknown said...

i can see your posts just fine. i got this from google reader and then went straight to your blog.

deltay said...

It's working fine for me, I can see all your posts =)

Hope this all gets sorted out soon!

pepsivanilla said...

I can see your post :)

Stephanie said...

I can see your posts

DM said...

I can see your posts. I hope you get it worked out.

Anonymous said...

I can see all your posts too

Haiku Amy said...

Everything seems to be working for me as well. I hope you figure it out.

Summer said...

hope it works out. I can see stuff.

Anonymous said...

Your post looks fine to me.

Katie said...

I can see your posts -- all of them! And it's showing up on Bloglines too, so your RSS feed there is still in tact. Good luck sorting this out!

Brittany said...

I can see all your posts.

Aryn said...

I can see it.

Chick Lit Teens said...

I can see your post. That is so odd that blogger is freaking out on you. So sorry, I hope you'll be able to figure it out soon and get back to blogging.

Anonymous said...

I am so eager to know the winner of the Catching Fire Contest. Can't your brother post the winner??

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I can see this one. Hopefully you'll get this all straightened out =) Good luck hun

melissa @ 1lbr said...

I can see this post as well! Good luck with the black hole blogger of doom!

Serena said...

I can see the post and comment.

me said...

Im having a very similar problem, Im unable to access blogger or anything else "google" related, I can intermintently but its sooooo frustrating as Im dying to blog but cant :-(