
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Comment Contest: Win a Copy of The Sky Inside

Judging by the number of entries I've gotten for this week's Contest Monday post already, you're liking the prize this week. Well, here's another chance for you to win. As part of New Features week, I'm unveiling a new type of contest for The Shady Glade: The Comment Contest.

How to enter: Each comment you leave on this blog equals one entry into the pot. These must be genuine comments, and Contest Monday entries won't count for this contest. By genuine comment I mean it must add something to the conversation taking place. In other words a comment that says simply "cool" or similar will not count. At the end of the month I randomly pick one winner for the specified prize. It's that easy.

So why a comment contest? Well, if you blog I'm sure you know how wonderful it is to get comments. So in a way it's selfish of me. But I also think comments are a great way to get to know and connect with other people. I know there are a lot of you who read this blog and never comment. So introduce yourself! Participate! Win free books!

Wanna know what you're playing for? This month is a paperback ARC of The Sky Inside by Clare B. Dunkle. To win it, comment away until June 30 at midnight PST. The randomly selected winner will be announced early in July. Good luck to everyone!

About the book (from "Every year a new generation of genetically-engineered children is shipped out to meet their parents. Every spring the residents of his town take down the snow they've stuck to their windows and put up flowers. Every morning his family gathers around their television and votes, like everyone else, for whatever matter of national importance the president has on the table. Today, it is the color of his drapes. It's business as usual under the protective dome of suburb HM1.

And it's all about to come crashing down.

Because a stranger has come to take away all the little children, including Martin's sister, Cassie, and no one wants to talk about where she has gone. The way Martin sees it, he has a choice. He can remain in the dubious safety of HM1, with danger that no one wants to talk about lurking just beneath the surface, or he can actually break out of the suburb, into the mysterious land outside, rumored to be nothing but blowing sand for miles upon miles.

Acclaimed author Clare B. Dunkle has crafted a fresh and fast-paced science-fiction thriller, one that challenges her characters -- and her readers -- to look closer at the world they take for granted."


  1. I'm usually not a big fan of Sci-fi but I'm a sucker for anything involving children. This really sounds like a book I could get into. I'm always trying to broaden my scope.


  2. This is actually a really cool idea - and that's very true, it's always fun getting comments. And of course, it's always reassuring to know that the thoughts you're putting out there aren't just being lost in cyberspace.

    "Every morning his family gathers around their television and votes, like everyone else, for whatever matter of national importance the president has on the table. Today, it is the color of his drapes. "

    Gosh, those two lines in juxtaposition? Amazing. I mean, leading with "national importance" and then finishing with "his drapes"? I'm intrigued already. Haha, no, in all honesty, I do seem to be on a bit of a YA sci-fi rampage lately, so how perfect that now I have another one to add to the TBR pile!

    Kind of reminiscent of Lois Lowry's THE GIVER and that movie a few years back THE ISLAND, isn't it?

  3. I love The Sky Inside, I read it last year :)

    And I love the idea for this contest. More comments is a good thing if you're a blogger :)

  4. Sounds like a great read. Imagine if we the people got to vote on the color of drapes or carpet for our President because nothing else is priority.... /shakes head.

    And I am wondering what is happening to those children - very intriguing!!

    wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

  5. This book sounds interesting, and this is the first I've heard of it. It's like the opposite of Gone with the children disappearing. :)

  6. Cool.


    I'll do better next time. This is a good idea. The books like a pretty interesting read.

  7. The book looks quite interesting. I actually hadn't even heard of it before now, but I'm intruiged, to say the least.

  8. This sounds like a good read. I blog so I know it's awesome when you get comments. The actual concept of the book is quite interesting, and I think the drapes should be baby blue. I'd never heard of this book before.

  9. Okay...first of all, I completely understand about your desire for people to leave comments. My friend and I are just starting our own blog, and it is very helpful to hear from others.

    And, this book sounds great. I have generally been interested in fantasy, but am beginning to fall more in love with sci-fi as well. I'm excited for this book, even if I have to wait for it to come out.

    P.S. Thanks for the blog...I really do love it.

  10. I totally love sci-fi i really <3 vampires but generally i like scifi
    harry potter
    dean koontz-author
    vampire diaries
    i just love the supernatural
    and that book sounds Great!
    please enter me!!!

  11. I would like to read this.


  12. Hm, this book sounds like a good read. But it also sounds kind of scary...especially when his sister goes missing.


  13. hmmmm.... Hadn't heard of this one yet. It certainly sounds interesting with a touch of The Giver and X-Files in the description.

  14. this looks really good thanks for the giveaway

  15. My son is always reading science fiction. I think he would really enjoy this book.

  16. pretty interesting concept. i'd like to see how the story unfolds

  17. Sounds like a great read!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Anonymous9:10 PM

    zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    Okay, truth - I live and BREATHE sci fi (Harlan Ellison being one of my favorite authors), and this concept besides being unique sounds like something I could really get into. In fact, I'm going to jot down the title to see if I can get it from the library incase I can't win it lol
    Thanks for turning me on to another great book :)
    Happy Pages!

  19. Sounds different but good. lol Thank you!

  20. This book looks really interesting. I'd love to win it.


  21. Wow! This book is completely up my alley. Genetically-engineered children... extreme political nonsense... this is the only way to live indoctrination... a bubble of life in a dessert of sand... Really, can a book get anymore thrilling?


  22. I understand your comment lust...makes you happy that some one is listening and thinking about what you have taken the time to write...

    madamerkf at aol dot com

  23. Well, I do quite a bit of commenting and talking about connecting so this contest is a cool way to earn a chance of winning a book for something I already do. Thanks for encouraging readers to speak up and interact.

    Every Monday, I run a similiar, weekly contest. Little Lov'n Monday posts on Saturday so you can leave links and comments. I invite you and your readers to join us.

  24. Anonymous8:07 PM

    This book sounds very fascinating!! I hope to win.


    bsyb100 at gmail dot com

  25. I don't read a lot of Sci-fi, but the ones I've read I really liked. This one sounds like a fantastic book, so please enter me in the giveaway as well.

    I like the idea of commenting too, even though I'm a major lurker, getting comments do brighten up my day.

    ~ Popin

  26. This is a really cool contest idea, sort of like GRaB.


  27. Sounds interesting. A little bit like the new Stephen King novel coming out about a small town cut off from the rest of the world by a force field. I'd love a shot at this book. Thank you!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  28. I've read about this book in a couple different places now -- very good reviews -- but since I am not usually a big reader of science fiction I've wondered about if it would really hook me in. But every time I read the synopsis I find myself intrigued!

  29. Rebecca Cox11:22 AM

    Sci Fi is my favorite genre of books and movies. I have never heard of this book, but there is an episode of Enterprise and one from the old Star Trek series where a race of people were kept inside a protective dome and told that outside was not inhabitable. And on both episodes, it was completely to be able to control the population. On the Star Trek episode it was an evil reason to control them, but on Starship enterprise, the "Leaders" actually thought they were doing what was best for the people by taking away all their fear, worries, or their need to work. Of course, this never works. Can't wait to see the reason these guys are kept "In the Dome".

  30. Oh, this sounds really cool. Enter me into the contest.

    barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  31. Is this contest worldwide? I enjoy readig but most of the time, I have little access to those books that I stumbled upon while viewing book bloogers's reviews.('casue I'm outside US, and stores in my country have few English books) That's why I'm always looking forward to international giveaway contests that are open to everyone.

  32. This looks really good!
    Now I have to get commenting....

  33. This looks like a great book. Enter me please.
    jwx4 at yahoo dot com

  34. Sounds really good!



  35. Adelina1:21 AM

    This sounds like an awesome book. I love the idea of him stepping out into the unknown to find his sister and the others. This is something I would love to read.

  36. I'm not usually into sci-fi but that cover is gorgeous! It definitely makes me want to pick it up and I'm wondering if it would be appropriate for high school students (to offer in my in-classroom library).

    I agree about the comments, it is really nice when other people take the time to comment and you can tell they read what you had to say!

  37. This book is the type that hooks you just from knowing a little bit about it. I want to find the answers. I hope I get the chance. Thanks for the contest. Also, I am a follower of this blog and love it.


  38. I have read this book and I thought it was really creepy. But it didn't quite feel complete. But its sequel, The Walls Have Ears, is coming out soon.

    paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!