
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

New Features: Sidebars

So I'm pretty busy this morning, but I still wanted to drop by and let you know about something for New Features week. If you could please direct your attention to the left sidebar for today's demonstration. (That way <----- in case you a directionally challenged like myself.) Those of you who are following in a reader, may want to click over to the post so you can see what I'm talking about.

There are currently (as of the writing of this post) three new widgets shown in the sidebar. You'll notice the Followers widget still is missing. I haven't had the nerve to put it back yet, since I'm still noticing the aborted problem on other blogs.

But there are three new things underneath where that widget should be. First off is my blogoversary button. I sometimes forget exactly what day my blogoversary is, but now I really will remember. For those of you who don't want to count days, and are still curious, it's September 1st.

Next is something called Blogged. Now, I'm still exploring this site, but you'll see that I have a rating on that button. Through Blogged you can review and rate your favorite blogs, network with other bloggers, and it also provides a way for you to follow your favorite blogs (if you don't use something else already that is). So if you're in the mood, you can click on the button and write a review for The Shady Glade over at Blogged.

Last is a little something I like to call The Winner's Circle. This is a list of everyone who's won contests at The Shady Glade starting in January, which frankly, is when I started keeping track. You can click on each name to see what book they won. The idea behind this feature is that everyone gets a little more than the one post of fame. The other motivation is that it makes it easier to see if you've won something. I don't know how often I'll be updating it, but you can always check it frequently for your name. The new prize claiming rules are more time-sensitive, so I want to make it easier for people to see that they've won.

And now onto the right sidebar (----> that way). Right above the labels widget (at the bottom) you'll see a new section called "Books Completed in 2009". Now I love writing reviews, although you probably can't tell from my blog laid plans of mice and men and all that. My intentions are always good, but the truth is that I'm way behind in my reviews. So if you'd like to see what I've read so far this year, check out that place on the sidebar. Some of these books I'll get around to reviewing eventually, and some not. But you can usually find good ideas if you're looking for something to read since I usually don't finish books that I don't like.

And I think that covers it for today. Not very exciting, I know, but new nonetheless. Now I've got to run. I'll see you back here later today for a WOW post, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow for more new stuff! As always, let me know what you think!


  1. I saw those widgets, and I think they're an AMAZING idea.

  2. The widgets are great :)

  3. Love the new widgets! Hmm, is the Followers widget still an issue? I think I've only encountered one blog that aborted this week. Hopefully it'll all get cleared up soon.

    Wow - blogoversary in 90 days, and on Sept 1st! Coincides perfectly with the release of Catching Fire ;)

  4. Random but your blogoversary is also my birthday :)

  5. I'm excited to see all of the books you'll read in 2009 and I'm also happy that I can check out your blog without being aborted! Woot woot!


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