Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Random Contest: Scavenger Hunt

How about another random contest? That last one was a little too easy. This time I'm going to make you work for your bread. Here's the task: Find a quote from a movie or TV show that regards books/reading in some way. I'll give you some examples:

Beauty and the Beast:
"How can you read this? There's no pictures!"
"It's not right a for a girl to read."

The Princess Bride:
"Is this a kissing book?"

You get the idea. So here's the rules. Leave me a comment below with your quote, and make sure you tell me where it's from! If you forget that part, I'll have to disqualify you! You can leave up to four (4) different quotes. Bonus points if you can find a YouTube video that contains your quote. Leave that link in your comment as well. A winner will be randomly selected in two weeks, which will be on July 8th. You have until then to enter.

Want to know what you're playing for? The winner of this contest will get a book of their choice from the list at the end of this post. So start searching, and good luck!

The winner will get to pick from this list:
Boots and Pieces by Emily Ecton (PB)
The City in the Lake by Rachel Neumeier (HC)
City of Time by Eoin McNamee (HC)
Crash Test (The Upper Class) by Hobson Brown (PB)
Clemency Pogue by J. T. Petty (HC, no DJ)
Chasing the Jaguar by Michele Dominguez Greene (HC)
Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter (HC)
The Curse of Cuddles McGee by Emily Ecton (PB)
Darkside by Tom Becker (HC)
Dear Mom by Bradley Trevor Greive (HC)
Derailed by Jon Ripslinger (PB - signed)
The Edge on the Sword by Rebecca Tingle (PB)
Bratfest at Tiffany's by Lisi Harrison (PB)
Fashionistas by Chloe Walsh (PB)
I Conquer Britain by Dyan Sheldon (HC)
In the Company of Whispers by Sallie C. Lowenstein (HC)
The Incredible Truth About Motherhood by Bradley Trevor Greive (HC)
Lurker by Stefan Petrucha (PB)
Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Writing Thank-You Notes by Peggy Gifford (HC)
Off Campus (The Upper Class) by Hobson Brown (PB)
Perpetual Check by Rich Wallace (HC)
Big Slick by Eric Luper (HC)
The Ghost in Allie's Pool by Sari Bodi (ARC)
Great Peacemakers; True Stories From Around the World by Ken Beller (ARC)
Kino No Tabi Volume 1 (PopFiction) by Keiichi Sigsawa (ARC)
The Decoding of Lana Morris by Laura & Tom McNeal (ARC)
Hancock Park by Isabel Kaplan (ARC)
Gorgeous (Lucky) by Rachel Vail (ARC)
Soul Enchilada by David Macinnis GIll (ARC)
Cicada Summer by Andread Beaty (ARC)
Secrets of My Hollywood Life by Jen Calonita (ARC)
Totally Fabulous by Michelle Radford (ARC)
The Running Man by Michael Gerard Bauer (HC)
Shimmer by Dallas Reed (PB)
Sophie Pitt-turnbull Discovers America by Dyan Sheldon (HC)
The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly, Completely Lost It by Lisa Shanahan (HC)
Tallulah Falls by Christine Fletcher (HC)
This Year's Model by Carol Alt (PB)
Truth or Fashion (Fashionistas) by Chloe Walsh (PB)
The Upper Class by Hobson Brown (PB)
Walk Softly and Watch Out for Bigfoot by Ann Herrick (PB - signed)
The Water Mirror by Kai Meyer (HC)
Wish You Were Here by Catherine Clark (PB)
Jet Set by Carrie Karasyon & Jill Kargman (ARC)


RecoveringCoffeeholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cecelia said...

"And of course she must improve her mind by extensive reading."
Darcy to Elizabeth Bennett in the 2005 film version of Pride & Prejudice


RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

"Oh Captain, My Captain"
-Said to John Keating (Robin Williams) by Todd Anderson (Ethan Hawke) in Dead Poets Society.

Oh my goodness. That scene moves me everytime.

mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com

Cecelia said...

"You prefer reading to cards, do you? Singular."
Mr. Hearst to Elizabeth Bennett in the 1995 BBC production of Pride & Prejudice


Cecelia said...

"And the scientist who read it thought it might be a practical joke of some kind."
Ian McKellan as narrator in the 2007 film Stardust, at the 1:12 mark


Cecelia said...

Charlotte: "It's just a book launch."
Sal: "Darling, books mean booze."
From the 2001 film Charlotte Gray (starring the incomparable Cate Blanchett)


RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

"Now I couldn't live in a world where you have everything and I have nothing."
- Fernand Mondego (Guy Pierce) to Edmund Dantes (James Caveizel) in The Count Of Monte Cristo

mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com

RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

"I'm your Huckleberry" -Doc Holiday (Val Kilmer) to Johnny Ringo (Michael Beihn) in Tombstone.

mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com

RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

"You have no style or sense of fashion...(Andy tries to interject) no, no, that wasn't a question." -Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) to Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) in The Devil Wears Prada.

mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com

Genevieve said...

From Gilmore Girls:

(Luke is buying self-help books but doesn't want Andrew to see them)
Andrew: Will you just let me scan the book?
Luke: When you scan the book, do you see the title?
Andrew: Yes.
Luke: Then no.
Andrew: Luke, come on! What do you got there, porn?
Luke: You sell porn?
Andrew: No!
Luke: You think I brought my own porn in here to buy?
Andrew: I don't know what you're doing. I just need to scan the books.
Luke: This should cover it.
Andrew: A hundred bucks? That's way too much!
Luke: Take it.


Julie said...

John Keating: We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?
-- Dead Poets Society


Julie said...

Mr. Koreander: Your books are safe. While you're reading them, you get to become Tarzan or Robinson Crusoe.
Bastian: But that's what I like about 'em.
Mr. Koreander: Ahh, but afterwards you get to be a little boy again.
Bastian: Wh-what do you mean?
Mr. Koreander: Listen. Have you ever been Captain Nemo, trapped inside your submarine while the giant squid is attacking you?
Bastian: Yes.
Mr. Koreander: Weren't you afraid you couldn't escape?
Bastian: But it's only a story.
Mr. Koreander: That's what I'm talking about. The ones you read are safe.
Bastian: And that one isn't?
-- The Never Ending Story


Julie said...

Jo: Late At night my mind would come alive with voices and stories and friends as dear to me as any in the real world. I gave myself up to it, longing for transformation.
-- Little Women


Julie said...

Heywood: The Count of Monte Crisco...
Floyd: That's "Cristo" you dumb s***.
Heywood: Alexandree Dumb-ass. Dumb-a**.
Andy Dufresne: Dumb-a**? "Dumas". You know what it's about? You'll like it, it's about a prison break.
Red: We oughta file that under "Educational" too, oughten we?
-- The Shawshank Redemption


(there were some better Shawshank quotes but I thought they might be a bit to "colourful" to post! Love love love this random contest by the way)

Anonymous said...

From the always-awesome Major League:

We PICK UP Taylor in his seat, glasses on, reading something by the light of a flashlight rigged up to the back of his seat. We MOVE to reveal it -- the Classics Illustrated comic book of "Moby Dick."

Hayes wanders by, an air-sick bag hanging around his neck.

"Moby Dick?" What is that?

It's one of the masterpieces of American literature, that's all.

Lynn put you on to this?

Long time ago.

Well, we're goin' to a club tonight. You wanna come along?

No, I got some more reading to do.

Taylor indicates a stack of Classic Comics next to him.

twonickelsoradime (At) gmail

Lori said...

"The question should be Rach, what is not so great about The Shining. Okay?" - Joey from Friends.

DeNiSe said...

There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment."
- The Truth About Forever

"Don't think or judge, just listen."
- Just Listen

BY Sarah Dessen MY IDOLE

Haiku Amy said...

From 1998 film You've Got Mail
Kathleen Kelly: Well... if he's not here, he has a reason, because there is not a cruel or careless bone in his body. But I wouldn't expect you to understand anybody like that. You with your theme park, multi-level, homogenize-the-world mochaccino land. You've deluded yourself into thinking that you're some sort of benefactor, bringing books to the masses. But no one will ever remember you, Joe Fox. And maybe no one will remember me, either, but plenty of people remember my mother, and they think she was fine, and they think her store was something special. You are nothing but a suit!

LadyVampire2u said...

From the movie Matilda there were two quotes...

This first quote is made by the Narrator of the movie as it shows Matilda learning about the library and starting to check out lots of books to read.."Matilda's strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world, like ships onto the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone."

Matilda's teacher visits the house and Zinnia Wormwood informs her "Look, Miss Snit, a girl does not get anywhere by acting intelligent! I mean, take a look at you and me. You chose books - I chose looks. I have a nice house, a wonderful husband... and you are slaving away teaching snot-nosed children their ABCs. You want Matilda to go to college? Ha, ha, ha ha... "

Kate said...

Is this open to the UK?
This is one of my favourite scenes from HP and the Philosopher's Stone film:

Hermione: I checked this out of the library weeks ago for some light reading.

-Dumps heavy book on the table-

Ron: This is light?

Rabid Fox said...

Here's an obscure quote. It's from the less-than-stellar movie, "Monkeybone," with Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King ...

Stephen King: How about that nightlight I asked you for?
Edgar Allen Poe (to King): King You Pussy!
Stephen King: Bite me Poe!

I forgot about that scene. The one gem! :) Found it at ...


Rabid Fox said...

As a second entry, how about a little something from "Mean Girls."

Cady: And they have this book, this burn book, where they write mean things about all the girls in our grade.
Janis: What does it say about me?
Cady: [lying, because the book describes Janis as a dyke] You're not in it.
Janis: Those bitches!

The only movie Lindsay Lohan did that I can stomach. :)

e-mail: rabidfox(at)

Kristen said...

Don't worry it's not a bible. It was my mother's. It's got quotes from all her favorite books, and quotes by famous people. Her thoughts. Come on.
-A Walk to Remember

~The Book Pixie said...

Great contest. I hope it is okay that they are all from the same movie. I was gonna use the Beauty and the Beast one but you had it posted as an example. :P

Entry #1
From the 2007 production of Northanger Abbey.

Mrs. Norland:
"And she's grown very fond of reading of late. I wonder if it can be good for her, my dear, to read quite so many novels."

Youtube link:


~The Book Pixie said...

Entry #2
From the 2007 Production of Northanger Abbey

Mr. Norland:
"Oh, why ever not. Now what could be a more innocent or harmless pastime for a young girl than reading?"

Youtube link:


~The Book Pixie said...

Entry #3
From the 2007 production of Northanger Abbey

John Thorpe:
"No, I never read novels. I leave all that to Isabella."

Youtube link:


~The Book Pixie said...

Entry #4
From the 2007 production of Northanger Abbey

Henry Tilney:
"Perhaps, afterall, it is possible to read too many novels."

Youtube link:


Anonymous said...

From Legally Blonde the Musical..
Elle: I'll meet you there at Harvard with a book in my hand, Big sturdy book, big wordy book, full of words i'll understand.

Anonymous said...

From Ever After (1998) spoken by Henry:

"Mother, Father, I want to build a University, with the largest library on the continent, where anyone can study, no matter their station!"


Anonymous said...

From Ever After (1998) spoken by Danielle:
"I suppose it is because when I was young my father would stay up late and read to me. He was addicted to the written word and I would fall asleep listening to the sound of his voice."


Anonymous said...

FromBecoming Jane (2007) spoken by Jane and Tom:
"Tom Lefroy: I have been told there is much to see upon a walk, but all I've detected so far is a general tendency to green above and brown below.
Jane Austen: Yes, well, others have detected more. It is celebrated. There's even a book about Selborne Wood.
Tom Lefroy: Oh. A novel, perhaps?
Jane Austen: Novels? Being poor, insipid things, read by mere women, even, God forbid, written by mere women?.
Tom Lefroy: I see, we're talking of your reading.
Jane Austen: As if the writing of women did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour and the best-chosen language imaginable?"


Anonymous said...

From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) spoken by Harry and Gilderoy Lockhart :
"Harry: You're running away? After all that stuff you did in your books?
Gilderoy Lockhart: Books can be misleading...
Harry: You wrote them!
Gilderoy Lockhart: My dear boy, do use your common sense! My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think *I'd* done all those things! "


Unknown said...

Hodgins: I recognize that look.
Brennan: What?
Hodgins: You're writing another book. When you write you get this stunned look on your face like you stuck a fork in a toaster. Am i in this one too?
Brennan: You weren't in the last one.

Unknown said...

Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump: And every night, we read a book. He's so smart, Jenny. You'd be so proud of him. I am. He, uh, wrote a letter, and he says I can't read it. I'm not supposed to, so I'll just leave it here for you.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Nurse: This is Duke. He's here to read to you.
Old Allie: Read?

Laina said...

"Rory never even shoplifted. Not a candy bar, not a lipstick. She forgot to return a library book once. And she was so guilty about it that she grounded herself. I mean, can you imagine? She’s
just sitting there in her bedroom yelling at me, 'Now no one else got to read the Iliad this week because of me!'"
- Lorelai in the Gilmore Girls.

WordVore Prod said...

"You prefer reading to cards, do you? Singular."
Mr. Hearst to Elizabeth Bennett, pride & Prejudice

WordVore Prod said...

From the movie Notebook (amazing!):
Nurse: This is Duke. He's here to read to you.
Allie: Read?

WordVore Prod said...

From the movie Good Will Hunting:
Sean Maguire: Do you like books?
Will Hunting: Yeah.
Sean Maguire: [points to wall] Did you read any of these books?
Will Hunting: I don't know.
Sean Maguire: [points to shelf] How about any of these books?
Will Hunting: Probably not.
Sean Maguire: What about the ones on the top shelf? You read those?
Will Hunting: [looks] Yeah, I read those.
Sean Maguire: Good for you. What do you think about 'em?
Will Hunting: Hey, I'm not here for a f*****' book report. They're your books. Why don't you read them?
Sean Maguire: I did. I had to.
Will Hunting: Must've taken you a long time.
Sean Maguire: Yeah, it did.

WordVore Prod said...

My mail add is (just in case):

Pam said...

From Good Will Hunting:
Will: I read your book last night.
Sean: So you're the one.

melacan at hotmail dot com

Pam said...

#2 - Reality Bites

Michael on phone says: "I don't care if she does twelve books of herself naked"

melacan at hotmail dot com

Pam said...


Miss Potter

"The book will not sell a great number of copies but it may turn a small profit. We'd like to publish your book Miss Potter."

melacan at hotmail dot com

Pam said...

entry #4

Notting Hill

"I saw you put that book down your trousers"

melacan at hotmail dot com

Erica said...

The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here! This is the kind of spontaneous publicity I need! My name in print! That really makes somebody! Things are going to start happening to me now.
-The Jerk

Erica said...

Shrek: The Princess will be up the stairs in the highest room in the tallest tower.
Donkey: How do you know that?
Shrek: I read it in a book once.

Wrighty said...

Dead Poet's Society:
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering – these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love – these are what we stay alive for."


Paradox said...

"When I was your age, television was called books." - The Princess Bride

Here it is in a Youtube video:

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

Paradox said...

"This Bible... is the first book ever printed. It represents... the dawn of the Age of Reason. As far as I'm concerned, the written word is mankind's greatest achievement." - The Day After Tomorrow

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

Paradox said...

"Ahh, but have you ever read a book twice? Books change each time you read them." - The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter

Here it is in a Youtube video:

Paradox said...

"You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world! This room's the greatest arsenal we could have - arm yourselves!" - An Episode of Dr. Who (Tooth and Claw)

Here it is in a Youtube video:

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

Anonymous said...

This is a fun contest!

From the movie Sideways:
Mike Erganian: What is the subject of your book? Non fiction?
Miles Raymond: Uh, no. It's... it's a novel. Fiction. Yes. Although there is quite a bit from my own life... so I suppose that, technically some of it is nonfiction.
Mike Erganian: Good I like non fiction. There is so much to know about this world. I think you read something somebody just invented, waste of time.
Miles Raymond: That's an interesting perspective.
