Wednesday, July 01, 2009


I changed the background. Just temporary for the 4th of July. Do you like?

And for those of you who aren't in the US and don't celebrate, don't worry. It's only for a week or so and then I'll be done with my display of Yankee pride. :-)


Melanie said...

I like the temporary layout! The words stick out a lot more. Hope you have a great 4th! Any special plans?

Anonymous said...

I like the background, its patriotic but not flashy and obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

I love it! It really celebrates the 4th without overtaking the looks of the blog :D

DM said...

Weird...I can't see the new background. :(

Alyssa F said...

Melanie - No special plans. My brother who is the fireworks nut is out of town, so it will probably just be a quiet holiday (no pun intended).

DM - It might be your internet connection. I've noticed the new background takes a longer time to load. Sorry that you're missing it. :-(

Kate said...

Have a happy 4th of July!

queen of entropy said...

I do like the patriotic background!

We're not actually doing anything on the fourth, either. My husband is in Iraq, so I'm not taking our kids downtown for the big fireworks - it would be a lot of hassle to take three small children into such a big (and mostly drunk) crowd, and they'd probably all be scared of the fireworks, anyway.

We actually went out to my husband's base for their Tattoo last week. It was incredible! They had parachutists, flyovers (woot!), some really cool displays/photo opportunities and a nice fireworks display at the end of the night. The kids enjoyed that fireworks display, because it was a little smaller (and less frenetic) and they could enjoy the lights and colors instead of just being overwhelmed by the sound. If you ever get the chance to go to a Tattoo, I highly recommend it!

Laina said...

I like the background, it's pretty. :) A little hard to read on because your text is a lighter grey, so a darker grey or black would be nice, but that's no biggie, and it's nice. :)

I didn't really notice it was the 4th, I'm Canadian, and I was offline all day (allergies and stuff) so I didn't read any mentions of it.