
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blogoversary Wrap Up

Well folks, this is it. With the posting of this entry my blogoversary is officially over. I hope you enjoyed it! So with the end of this long (and somewhat exhausting) party, I thought I'd share some of my favorite posts over the last three years. So join me on my little blogging trip down memory lane.

Ah, my first ever review for Richard Peck's Amanda/Miranda. I had just finished reading the book two weeks before I started my blog and I remember being so excited to share this book with other people. Although it was really like my third or fourth post, I would find that reviews would later take up a lot of space on the blog, even if I have been slacking on them lately. :)

Ooh, my first post about the Cybils in its first year. Amazing to think of how much it's grown in just four short years. And shortly thereafter (thanks to the Cybils nominees) I experienced the first time I had more books than room. A situation I learned shortly thereafter is best remedied by getting more bookshelves.

Here's an interesting post. When I started the blog I was juts barely getting to know the online world of YA lit, and this was an interesting result. This is kind of like my first Waiting on Wednesday post (way before WOW though), and I called it a heads up. This way the beginning of my really long TBR that came as a result of my blogging.

My first of Ramblings post. You know what those are, those posts where I occasionally spout off or ramble about various subjects. This happened to be about what makes YA lit YA lit.

Even before Poetry Friday I would occasionally post poems I found on the blog. I still love this one about the confusing rules of English plurals.

This is a post you may have heard me mention before. Remember when all of the sudden all the covers on upcoming books were headless? It's not nearly so prominent anymore, but it's definitely still out there if you look for it.

Another first, this time my first meme, which happened to be about libraries.

I occasionally post book quotes, and this one happened to be in celebration of the upcoming release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Still one of my favorite Potter quotes ever.

Back in 2007 I hosted a Summer Writing Challenge. It was really kind of silly in retrospect, since I didn't have nearly enough experience at the time to be doing it. But I still got some interesting results. Check out the winners if you have a moment.

If you've been a reader awhile, you'll know how much I love retold fairy tales. As part of the Summer Writing Challenge mentioned above, I gathered just about every retold fairy tale published (at that time) that I could find. The result is quite the list. And then I did it again, this time finding every single version of Cinderella I could find. Also an impressive list.

One of the first (of many) diversions I found on YouTube that I would also share on my blog. This one happens to be a cross between Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter.

My very first book signing ever. I was quite giddy. I really kind of laugh when I read this post.

Another YouTube diversion. This one is called Simon's Cat. The funniest thing I ever saw... until I heard about LOLcats. But it's still really funny anyway.

My first ever blog award. Definitely a highlight!

I can say with all honesty that I loved doing every author interview on this blog. However, getting to interview two of my author idols (Patricia C. Wrede and Mary Hoffman) was about enough to make me fall over.

And that's it for this little sentimental journey. Of course, there's lots and lots I didn't go through too. So feel free to peek at my archives. Just be a kind, you know, because some of that stuff is soooooooo old...

Here's to another fun year!


  1. Woohoo! And to many more blogiversaries to come :)

    I'm also a fan of retold fairytales and absolutely love Shannon Hale's The Goose Girl :)

  2. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Hi :)
    Thank you for the great post.
    I loved the links and your memories.
    All the best,

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed your blog this month. It was awesome!! I liked the author interviews the most and thought your interview questions were different (in a good way). Through all your work I've met some authors I'd never heard of, put some TBR books in my Amazon cart and enjoyed my computer time almost every day. Thanks!

  4. Congrats again -- I loved celebrating with you!


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