Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Are you top of the list?

Some of you may have noticed my new widget in the left sidebar. It's been there for a couple weeks now. And for you who haven't, check out the third widget down on the left. (Feed subscribers will need to click through to see it)

That's right, I've taken the plunge and added a top commenters widget. This keeps track of the top 10 people who have made comments on the blog in the past 30 days. So now you can all fight for the top spot. Haha.

So let's throw a little spin on in the works. From now on, if you make it into the top ten by the time the comment contest closes, you will get a free entry into that contest. And if you're in the top spot, you'll get +5 entries into the comment contest. How's that for a reward?

So if you want more chances to win, comment away!


Katie said...

Heh I just added one of those to my blogs too. It's fun to see who comments. =]

The_Book_Queen said...

Hmm.. I've seen those widgets on more blogs lately. Maybe I'll have to add one to my own soon...


Natalie said...

oooh, you realize you just threw us all to the lions right? Let the bloodshed...I mean...friendly competition...begin! Lol

Natalie @ Mindful Musings

Cecelia said...

Is this for your edification or our...motivation? :) Thanks for the tip.

Alyssa F said...

Mostly to reward frequent commentors.

But, you know, nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
I hadn't noticed the commentator widget before. It's interesting to see who comments.
Thanks for sharing,
All the best,

queen of entropy said...

Wow, that's a pretty cool widget! My competitive nature is fighting to get through...


Kate said...

I had one of these but it never worked for me =(