
Saturday, October 03, 2009

September Contest Winners

So I know I had mentioned that this would be posted on October 5th, but I'm posting it a little early so that prizes can start being mailed on the 5th instead. So here's all the winners from the blogoversary contests. We're going to start at the top and work our way down.

And if you don't see your name here, don't get discouraged! I have a stack of books to give away this month. So keep your eye out for new contests coming soon. And remember you can already enter October's Comment Contest, and The Cybils Contest.

First off, the winner of September's comment contest, for a prize of a brand new ARC of How to Say Goodbye in Robot. There were a record 195 entries this month. The number generator picked lucky comment number 2 as the winner which is Liz(liztapioka14).

Moving right along we have three winners from the Blogoversary Birthday contest. We were just one comment short of four prizes, can you believe it? Anyway, the winner of the hardback copy of Shadowed Summer is Lori(Pure Imagination). The winner of the ARC of Prism is Paradox. And last but not least, the winner of the ARC of Recipe for Disaster is Misty. Congratulations to all of you!

The Gift Card Contest got a lot of entries, more than any other contest last month. According to the results, the top three books that people are looking forward to reading are Catching Fire, Fire, and Catching Fire. Sounds like a good list! And the winner of the $10 gift card is mytwogirls.

Thank you to everyone who took the survey for the blogoversary. I'm having fun going through your selections. But I also need to especially thank haleymathiot, who is the winner of the ARC of I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous & Obscure.

Both of the next contests were a lot of fun to plan, and I enjoyed reading your responses too. Apparently finding answers to the First Lines Contest was a little easier that it's follow up. But someone still gets the prize pack which includes an ARC copy of Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard, a signed copy of Dream Spinner by Bonnie Dobkin, and a paperback copy of Poison Ink by Christopher Golden. And that person is Erica (the Book Cellar).

Although it was harder, the Book Covers Contest still got quite a few entries. I also appeared to be more addicting than the simple matching required by the First Lines Contest. The person who wins the prize pack of a new ARC of Pretty Dead by Francesca Lia Block, a signed copy of White Is for Magic by Laurie Faria Stolarz, and a new hardback copy of Attack of the Green Goo by D.J. Milky for this contest is Bittahsweet Harmony. For everyone else, keep your eye on the blog in the next few days, because I will be posting the answers to both of these contests soon.

Our next blogoversary contest was the Contest Monday entry for a brand new hardcopy of the novel Gone. The person who is now a proud owner of this book is Faye. Got a lot of response for this one, making it one of the most popular Contest Mondays ever (right behind Catching Fire and Shiver).

Now I have a signed ARC copy of Lisa Ann Sandell's new book A Map Of The Known World. This was of course our first author interview contest. So if you missed that interview (and those of the ones below) you can click through to read those posts. And congratulations to Celi.a, who is the winner!

Now to give away a signed paperback copy of Bewitching Season by Marissa Doyle. The winner of the book is bookbutterflyangel. I also have two runners up who are now proud owners of a wooden fan advertising Marissa's historical blog. Those winners are throuthehaze and queen of entropy. And by the way, thank you to everyone who suggested the titles for her next book. She was really grateful for the ideas!

I was so happy to see that most of you loved the advice contained in Zoe's article. And a lot of you agreed the UK covers were better too. :) Here's a lucky winner who will be getting the UK paperbacks of The Swan Kingdom and Daughter of the Flames. That winner is The_Book_Queen!

Who wants a signed copy of Beyond Cool by Bev Katz Rosenbaum? How about Bunny B as our winner! I got some really interesting answers for this contest, so you might want to click over and read some of the answers in the comments. I've also got some bookmarks to give away, which you'll see crop up down at the bottom of the post.

A brand new signed copy of The King's Rose (which, by the way has been nominated for a Cybil this year) by Alisa Libby is on the way to a winner by the name of A. Nicole. Hope you enjoy it!

Almost done here. This list is sure starting to get long... Winner of the Give Up The Ghost Swag Pack generously donated by author Megan Crewe is Lilibeth Ramos!

One last prize to give away. This is for the brand new ARC of The Amanda Project: Book 1: invisible I. I know, I know, I'm ending this one Contest Monday giveaway a little earlier, but I want to make sure that I can send it off on time. So the winner of this one is Jenny N.

And that's it. Phew! I'm a little tired out from all that typing. Congrats to all our winners! If you won something, send me an email with your mailing address to claim your prize! Remember you only have one week before a new winner will be picked. So claim them early!

You may have also noticed there was one missing. If you entered for a Chasing Brooklyn Bookmark, then send me your mailing address as well. First 7 emails I get will get one as well as some other cool book swag.


  1. Woohoo!! I was kinda disheartened when I didn't see my name at first! But, yay! I won :) Sent an email! Thank you sooo much!

    And congrats to the other winners too!! :)

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    congrats to all the winners

  3. Wow-- I won! :D Great contests, and congrats to the other winners as well, I hope you all enjoy your books! :D
    Off to send you my addy info...


  4. Whoo Hoo!!
    This really just made my day :)
    Thank You SO much!!

    Congrats to all the other winners too!
    -Liz :D

  5. Just thought I'd let you know that my prizes arrived safely (Thanks again for the contest, and thanks to Zoe Marriott for the books). I can't wait to get started on them! :D



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