
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Design a Button Contest!

Time for a new contest! Although, if you haven't already, make sure you enter the running Contest Monday post too.

But back to this contest. I've been wanting a button for my blog for awhile now, and I'm not graphically inclined at all.

So this is where you come in! To enter this contest, all you have to do is make me a button. I need:
1. A Shady Glade button
2. A Book Swaps button
3. I don't want to post this on the general blog yet, as it will ruin the surprise, but if you'd like details on this one, you can email and ask. I got a button for this one, thanks! However, you are still welcome to submit designs for 1 and 2!

Sizing can be as big or little as you want, but I'd like entries to be able to be shrunk/cropped down to fit in a sidebar.

You can do one, two, or all three buttons. It's completely up to you. The winner will get a book of their choice from all those I have available. (For a preview of what you might be able to get you can check here or here for ideas. Just remember, I have a lot more that I'm not listing either place.) Or, you can get a free entry (you don't have to pay the entrance fee) into my upcoming virtual book swap. Your choice. There will be a winner for each type of button. Or one person will win multiple prizes. Depends on how many people enter. Oh, and of course you will get recognition on the blog and never ending praise and adoration from me. :D

Open internationally. Contest ends when I get enough entries. We'll see when it happens. Contest will be offically closed on Jan 15th. Get those entries in!

To send in your entry, shoot me an email at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com with the word "button" or "contest" in the subject line somewhere so your email doesn't get deleted.

Questions? Just ask! Good luck to everyone.


  1. Hey, just wanted to let you know that I've given you an award here:


  2. Aww, I'm not good at this sort of thing. :(

    The best I can do is send out happy graphical thoughts in the general direction of the various and sundry people making the buttons...

    "Happy Graphics! Nice Graphics! Pretty Graphics! Cool Fonts!"

    ...yeah, that's my limit right there. :/

  3. Wish I could enter this but unfortunately I know nothing about graphic designing.

  4. I don't know if I can do this one. I may try it...

  5. I just found your blog in December so I didn't know about this until I was browsing through some of your recent posts. I just sent in a few buttons--I was in the button-making mood tonight. :)

  6. Just sent mine in!


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!