Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Let's Make A Deal: Game Post

Well, we have our winners, and now it's time to play! Winners, simply leave a comment on this post letting me know the number of the present you pick. Each represents a different mystery prize, some small and some big, so choose wisely!

I'll try to update this post as quickly as possible, so keep checking back often. Prizes will be revealed after they have been chosen.

Let the games begin!

Winners still to choose:
All winners have been chosen. Contest is now closed.

Box #1

Box #2

Box #3
Picked by Throuthehaze

Box #4

Box #5

Box #6
Picked by Orchid

Box #7

Box #8
Picked by Robin K.

Box #9
Picked by Yan

Box #10
Picked by Victoria

Box #11

Box #12

Box #13
Picked by Elie

Box #14
Picked by Jenna

Box #15

Box #16
Picked by .Ambur.

Box #17
Picked by Lasha

Box #18


throuthehaze said...

Box 3 please!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Yan said...

I'll take 9 :)

AmburHostyn said...

I'd like Box 16 Please :)

Unknown said...

Number 8 please :)

Ellz said...

Ok, this is hard....
I'll take box #13

(fingers crossed-hope I made a good deal-lol)

Orchid said...

So hard to choose, but I think I'm going to go with box #6. ^_^

Lasha said...

I would like box 17 please!

Thanks Alyssa!!

Lasha :)

Jenna said...

Have to go with 14!

Anonymous said...

I pick box 10.