Kim Carlisle is on a mission! It’s the beginning of Sophomore year, and she is determined to have the greatest year ever. First on her list: a perfect boyfriend.
It all starts at an end-of-the-summer sleepover with Kim, her twin Kara, and friends Nikki, Jackie, Lisa, and Alexis. When the subject of boys comes up Kim admits she’s got her eye on a neighborhood cutie named Nicholas Lamoreaux. Intent to have all of her friends paired off by the end of the year, Kim suggests they leave anonymous notes to each of their love interests. Everyone agrees, except Alexis. Brushing aside Alexis’ newfound stony behavior towards the group, the girls carry out their scheme.
The note plan works out perfectly. Kim and her friends are slowly pairing off with their intended guys. But Nicholas thinks Alexis sent him Kim’s note. Is he Alexis’ newest crush? When Kim observes Alexis’ behavior towards Nicholas on the first day of school, she is positive that he is the reason for her friend’s new cold behavior. No way is Kim going to give up on her man. After all, she saw him first….. right?
Soon things turn ugly, and Alexis tells Kim to back off Nicholas or risk their friendship. Kim isn’t about to let Alexis win, and concocts a fool-proof plan to help her win Nicholas once and for all. When her plan backfires, Kim realizes it’s time to make some changes. Will she remember her Sunday School lesson about kindness, or will Alexis need to watch her back?
I must admit that at first I was very skeptical about this book. Romance novels are not my thing, especially when they involve love triangles. To my great surprise, after three chapters I was completely hooked with Kim’s story, and I was almost sad when the book ended.
Planning it Right isn’t just your average romance. Filled with realistic and engaging characters, the book is a delight to read. Kim’s spunky and headstrong attitude will relate to any reader who has ever felt the need for a little competition. Although the plot wraps up nicely, there is enough questions left unanswered to have readers clamoring for a sequel.Recommended for readers 14 and up, as they will understand high school situations the best. Also suitable for younger readers who may be interested.
Shady Glade Rating: 6/10
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