Saturday, June 30, 2007
Library Meme
1. How old were you when you got your first library card?
Let's see, I was in first grade, so I was... seven? Maybe six. THat card lasted me until I was ten, when I had to get a new one because the old had been worn out from too much use.
2. What's the first book you can remember reading from a library?
The first I can remember was the American Girls book. You know, Kirsten, Felicity, Samantha, and Molly. Anyway, I know I got tons of picture books from the library before that, but I don't really remember them.
3. Did you ever participate in a summer reading program or other kids' event at a library growing up?
Yup. All the time. One year, I was the only kid my age that finished all 50 books for the summer reading event.
4. Do you remember when card catalogues weren't computerized?
No. But I do remember when the card catalog was on a computer that's screen would only be black and yellow.
5. When was the last time you went to the library?
Honestly, it was yesterday.
6. How many books do you usually check out of the library at one time?
At least 4, usually about 8 or so, maybe more, depending on how many requests I have to pick up.
7. Name one great author you've discovered at your library.
Only one? Most new authors I discover at the library, becuase I usually don't buy a book by a new author until I've tried their work at the library first.
8. What was the librarian at your elementary school like?
I don't remember. Our school hardly ever let us visit the school library. We could only go with our whole class, and even then the teachers usually checked things out for us.
9. How many times a year do you go to the library?
A year? Um..... probably at least 60 times, since I usually go once a week. No idea.
10. If you could change on thing about your library, what would it be and why?
My library has selection issues, so I would like to change that. For a while they were doing an Inter-library loan program, which was awesome becuase we could get all sorts of books our library didn't have. But then they discontinued it, because our branch of libraries was getting way more stuff from the other two particpating libraries than vice versa. Which you think would have given our purchasing librarians a clue. But no, they still insist on buying 50 more copies of a book they already have than spending that same money on buying new books not already in the system. Yes, they have a suggestion for purchases form, but it takes (I kid you not) about a year for them to get to your request.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Reminder: June Contest
Good luck to everyone! Winners should be announced by July 2nd at the latest.
Another Challenge- Summer Reading

Series Books
The Magic Medallion (Cynthia's Attic)
Night Shade (Daughters of the Moon #3)
Secret Scroll (Daughters of the Moon #4)
Missing Persons #1: Rose Queen
Rani in the Mermaid Lagoon by Lisa Papademetriou (Already Reading)
Vidia and the Fairy Crown by Laura Driscoll
In the Realm of the Never Fairies: The Secret World of Pixie Hollow by Monique Peterson
Jennifer Scales and the Ancient Furnace by Mary Janice Davidson and Anthony Alongi
Don't Know Where, Don't Know When by Annette Laing
The Legend of Lady Ilena
May Bird and the Ever After
My Alien Penfriend
My Lady, Pocahontas
The Vampire Hunters Stalked
Water Shaper
The Whispering Road
The Wizard Test by Hilari Bell
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Today's random subject is....
Lipgloss- two-sided of course. One side has the perfect lipgloss, the other, a liquid that will eat through any substance.
Keychain- one that can pick any lock, of course.
Bracelet- complete with software to record/listen in on any conversation.
Minicomputer*- activated when you touch one of your earrings. The screen goes across your eyes like a see-through visor. Also good for scanning/computing.
Calculator- doubles as a communicator.
Smoke-bomb- one that you can actually leave behind without losing one of your cool gadgets. Disposable, in other words.
Anyway, that’s about all I came up with at this point. If you’ve got any cool ideas, let me know in the comments!
*Okay, so I stole this idea from an old anime cartoon I loved as a kid. Bonus points if you can guess which one correctly….
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
No Worries Here
Though it got mad at me because I've used the word "kill" somehow, somewhere in my blog at somepoint. Ppph. I'm all for keeping it clean, but don't you think that's taking it out of context just a bit?
Thanks to Heather for the link.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Harry Potter Tag

Which HP Kid Are You?
Sunday, June 24, 2007
My Favorites: Dealing with Dragons

Dealing with Dragons: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Book One
Cimorene isn’t your normal princess. In fact, she doesn’t look, talk, or behave like any normal self-respecting princess. So when Cimorene runs away and volunteers to be a dragon’s princess, it’s not completely unexpected. Well, for the reader anyway. But Cimorene’s parents refuse to believe anyone would choose to be a dragon’s princess.
But Cimorene has much more important things to think about than her parents. She’s too busy cooking Cherries Jubilee, sorting treasure, and learning the history of the dragons from her new dragon friend, Kazul. So when knights start showing up to “rescue” her, Cimorene is more than a little annoyed. Little does she know, things are about to get a lot more interesting, and pesky knights are the least of her problems!
For those of you who read this blog regularly, you know how much I adore retold fairy tales. This book turns them all on their heads! Think of every stereotype possible in traditional fairytales and be prepared to toss them all out the window while reading this one. In addition to the great new perspective caused by breaking these stereotypes, this book has the perfect blend of humor, adventure, and just enough suspense to keep you going. Everyone I’ve ever recommend this book to LOVES it, and it’s been one of my favorites for many years.
Shady Glade Rating: 10/10 (Were you really surprised?)
Read the continuation of Cimorene’s adventures in the rest of the series:
Searching for Dragons: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Book Two
Calling on Dragons: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Book Three
Talking to Dragons: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Book Four
Visit the Shady Glade Store for these (and more) recommended reads, movies, music and more!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sping Reading Challenge: Final Report

What was the best book you read this spring?
To be honest, this is a HARD one for me to choose. I read so many good books, and choosing one is like choosing a favorite child. However, that aside, I'd have to choose Terrier (Beka Cooper) by Tamora Pierce. She's still one of my favorite authors.
What book could you have done without?Hmmm... probably Flight Volume 1. It just wasn't as good as the third volume, which is why I decided to read it in the first place.
Did you try out a new author this spring? If so, which one, and will you be reading that author again?Actually, there were quite a few new authors in there, mostly because I choose books mostly (though not entirely) based on content, not the author. I think the one I probably will read again based entirely on author was Arina Tanemura, who wrote the Full Moon O Sagashite series (which was amazing, by the way).
If there were books you didn't finish, tell us why. Did you run out of time? Realize those books weren't worth it?
There were only about 3 books I didn't finish because I decided I had more important (and exciting) things to read. I also ran out of time, but I think that was mostly because my list was so long in the first place. To tell the truth, I didn't really expect to get everything done as soon as I started adding all those books in May. :-)
Did you come across a book or two on other participants' lists that you're planning to add to your own to-be-read pile? Which ones?Unfortunately, I've been so busy I haven't had time to keep up with most other's blogs. There's been a few I definately want to look at, but I need more time to look through everyone's posts still.
What did you learn -- about anything -- through this challenge? Maybe you learned something about yourself or your reading style, maybe you learned not to pick so many nonfiction books for a challenge, maybe you learned something from a book you read. Whatever it is, share!I did get much more reading than I thought I would done, which really surprised me. I think I proved I can read as much as my brother now! :-)
What was the best part of the Spring Reading Thing?Honestly, it gave me a fair excuse to read. "Can't do the dishes Mom, I'm in the middle of a Challenge..." Okay, so maybe not, but I did enjoy the goal, even if I didn't make it all the way.
Would you be interested in participating in another reading challenge this fall?You bet! Can't wait for it... to the point that I'm doing one for summer too.
Books I’ve finished
Travels of Thelonious (Fog Mound, the) by Susan Schade and Jon Buller
The Phantom of the Opera: The Original Novel by Gaston Leroux
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Alena and the Favorite Thing by Eric Anderson
Totally Spies #3: Evil Jerry by Marathon Team
Flight Volume 1 by Various
Dancing with Dragonflies
A Boy's First Diary by Glenn K. Currie (This was both added and finished this week)
Peace I Ask of Thee, Oh River by Lyda Phillips
The Hardy Boys #6: Hyde & Shriek (Hardy Boys: Undercover Brothers) by Scott Lobdell and Daniel Rendon
Prairie River 2: Grateful Harvest by Kristiana Gregory
An Acceptable Time by Madeline L’Engle
Pretty Pretty by KC Oliver
Full Moon O Sagashite 1 by Arina Tanemura
Full Moon O Sagashite 2 by Arina Tanemura
Full Moon O Sagashite 3 by Arina Tanemura
Terrier (Beka Cooper) by Tamora Pierce
Oh My Goddess! Volume 21 by Kosuke Fujishima
Oh My Goddess! Volume 22 by Kosuke Fujishima
Oh My Goddess! Volume 23 by Kosuke Fujishima
Oh My Goddess! Volume 24 by Kosuke Fujishima
Clique #6, The: Dial L for Loser (Clique Series) by Lisi Harrison
Winter Tidings (Prairie River, Book 3) by Kristiana Gregory
Full Moon O Sagashite 4 by Arina Tanemura
Saint Tail #5
Saint Tail, Book 6
Saint Tail, Book 4 by Megumi Tachikawa
Barbarian (Sons of the Dark #1) by Lynne Ewing
Still Reading
Star Baby (Hollywood Daughters, No 1) by Joan Lowery Nixon
Into the Cold Fire (Daughters of the Moon #2)
Public Enemy Number Two (Diamond Brothers Mysteries)
Missing Persons #1: Rose Queen
Didn't Get To (and still TBR)
Flight Volume 2
Among the Betrayed
The Magic Medallion (Cynthia's Attic)
Night Shade (Daughters of the Moon #3)
Secret Scroll (Daughters of the Moon #4)
Rani in the Mermaid Lagoon by Lisa Papademetriou
Vidia and the Fairy Crown by Laura Driscoll
In the Realm of the Never Fairies: The Secret World of Pixie Hollow by Monique Peterson
Jennifer Scales and the Ancient Furnace by Mary Janice Davidson and Anthony Alongi
A Matter of Profit
Allie's Journey
Dragon Keeper
The Frog Princess
Hope's Crossing
The Legend of Lady Ilena
Lost: A Novel
Mates, Dates, and Inflatable Bras
May Bird and the Ever After
My Alien Penfriend
My Lady, Pocahontas
Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur
Water Shaper
The Whispering Road
The Wizard Test by Hilari Bell
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