Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween videos
And for your continued Halloween pleasure, a take on medieval witch hunts... Monty Python style:
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Cybils nominations and surprise

Emma: Volume 3
The Good Witch of the West Volume 2
Hatter M: The Looking Glass Wars
Kilala Princess Volume 3
Kingdom Hearts II Volume 1
Miki Falls: Spring
Pichi Pichi Pitch 5: Mermaid Melody
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Volume 13
Warriors: The Lost Warrior
So if you haven’t nominated something for the Graphic Novels category yet (or any category really), now is a good time to head over to the site and take care of that. And if you haven’t used your nomination/aren’t planning to use it for Graphic Novels, you might want to get ideas from looking at the below titles. Maybe you think they should be considered too?
Review: Wicked Dead: Lurker

Every night, four ghostly girls gather in an abandoned orphanage to tell their ghostly stories. With each roll of their magic bones, a new story is revealed, with the hope the each one will eventually find their own story.
Tonight’s story is about Mandy, a normal high school with a perfect little town life. But Mandy’s world is completely shattered when popular Nicki Bennington is found murdered (with her insides hacked to pieces) behind the town library. Everyone is shocked by this turn of events. After all, how could such a grisly murder happen in their safe little hometown?
After a few weeks of mourning, the town is ready to move on. Mandy wants to get on with her life, but Nikki’s fate has shocked her to the core. So when she gets an instant message from a boy named Kyle Nevers, Mandy decides it’s time to branch out. Partly out of friendliness, and partly out to make her recently ex-boyfriend Dale jealous, Mandy begins to chat with Kyle.
It isn’t long before Mandy is fully involved with Kyle’s life. She’s never seen him in person because he’s home schooled, but Mandy can’t help but be drawn to this boy that she has so much in common with. Despite her friends’ warnings, Mandy gets in deeper and deeper with Kyle. But then she starts getting mysterious phone and text messages. Could Kyle not be all he seems?
Anyone who knows my reading tastes well will know that horror is not one of my big things. I don’t like being scared out of my wits. That being said, I’m not really sure where to place Lurker genre-wise. Except for the last few chapters, it really reads more like regular teen fiction than horror. But the end definitely creeped me out enough (bad idea for me to read it moments before falling asleep…).
Mandy’s story was truly that of a teen girl trying to find herself in an uprooted world, and readers who’ve experienced similar situations will probably relate to her feelings. Despite my horror misgivings, the book is interesting enough. The premise of the whole Wicked Dead series is to hear a new story each book (each “night” if you will), and I was engaged enough in Mandy’s story to pick up the next book in the series. Horror fans may find this one a little light, but it makes a great read for Halloween.
Shady Glade Rating: 7/10
If anyone would like a free copy of this book, I have one I am willing to trade. Email me at if you are interested. Or, if you are a member of, you can simply go and order it there (see below for an example of some of the books I have). If you have questions, just let me know!
Trade your books at
Monday, October 29, 2007
Robert's Snow Week 3
As you know if you've been visiting any children's book blogs for the past few weeks, Robert's Snow is an online auction that benefits Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Over 200 children's book illustrators have created art on individual snowflake-shaped wooden templates. The snowflakes will be auctioned off, with proceeds going to cancer research. You can view all of the 2007 snowflakes here. Jules and Eisha from Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast have found a way for bloggers to help with this effort, by blogging about individual illustrators and their snowflakes. The idea is to drive traffic to the Robert's Snow site so that many snowflakes will be sold, and much money raised to fight cancer. The illustrator profiles have been wonderful so far - diverse and creative and colorful. And there are lots more to go.
Here's the schedule for Week 3, which starts today. As previously, this early schedule links to the participating blogs, instead of to the individual posts. You can find links to the posts themselves, and any last-minute updates, each morning at 7-Imp. Jules and Eisha have also set up a special page at 7-Imp containing a comprehensive list of links to the profiles posted so far. Also not to be missed is Kris Bordessa's post summarizing snowflake-related contests to date over at Paradise Found.
Monday, October 29
- Dan Santat at Writing and Ruminating
- Joanne Friar at The Longstockings
- Alissa Imra Geis at Wild Rose Reader
- Diane Greenseid at Just One More Book!!
- Sean Qualls at Brooklyn Arden
Tuesday, October 30
- Ann Koffsky at Book Buds
- Bill Carman at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Gretel Parker at Finding Wonderland
- Matt Phelan at A Year of Reading
- Stephanie Roth at Writing with a broken tusk
Wednesday, October 31
- Shawna Tenney at Kate's Book Blog
- Adam Rex at Booktopia and Welcome to my Tweendom
- Mo Willems at MotherReader
- Rolandas Kiaulevicius at a wrung sponge
Thursday, November 1
- Karen Lee at sruble's world
- Diana Magnuson at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Melissa Iwai at Brooklyn Arden
- Victoria Jamieson at AmoXcalli and Cuentecitos
- Molly Idle at The Shady Glade
- Meghan McCarthy at A Fuse #8 Production
Friday, November 2
- Tracy McGuinness-Kelly at Sam Riddleburger's blog
- Sarah Kahn at Kate's Book Blog
- Sylvia Long at Whimsy Books
- Jeremy Tankard at the excelsior file
- Holli Conger at Please Come Flying
Saturday, November 3
- Susan Miller at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- Ellen Beier at What Adrienne Thinks About That
- Hideko Takahashi at The Silver Lining
- Judith Moffat at Jo's Journal
- Wendell Minor at Wild Rose Reader
Sunday, November 4
- Joy Allen at Check It Out
- Robin Brickman at Greetings from Nowhere
- Lauren Stringer at laurasalas
- Nancy Wallace at In the Pages . . .
Please take time out to visit all of these blogs, and read about these fabulous illustrators. And, if you're so inclined, think about bidding for a snowflake in the Robert's Snow auction. Each snowflake makes a unique gift (for yourself or for someone else), and supports an important cause.
See also the following note from Elaine Magliaro of Wild Rose Reader:
Previous weeks:Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success.
Week 1: October 15-October 21
Week 2: October 22-28, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Robert's Snow Day 14
- Ashley Wolff
, by Elizabeth Burns at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Barbara Garrison
, featured by Cheryl Klein at Brooklyn Arden
- Kelly Murphy
, featured by Liz Dubois at ChatRabbit
If you'd like to see other features, please visit the links below.
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success. (Used with permission from Wild Rose Reader)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Robert's Snow Day 13
- Julie Fromme Fortenberry
, featured by Paula Willey at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- Sarah Dillard
, featured by Pam Calvert at The Silver Lining
- John Hassett
, featured by Cynthia Lord at cynthialord’s Journal
- Abigail Marble
, featured by Josephine Cameron at Please Come Flying
If you'd like to see other features, please visit the links below.
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success. (Used with permission from Wild Rose Reader)
Friday, October 26, 2007
Poetry Friday: Grim, Grinning, Ghosts

These are actually song lyrics, but I think that should count as poetry too. Bonus points if you can leave me a comment and tell me where this song is from! :-)
Grimm, Grinning, Ghosts
When the crypt doors creak,
And the tombstones quake.
Spooks come out for a swinging wake.
Happy haunts materialize,
And begin to vocalize.
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize.
Now don't close your eyes,
And don't try to hide.
Or a silly spook may sit by your side.
Shrouded in a daft disguise,
They pretend to terrorize.
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize.
As the moon climbs high o'er the dead oak tree,
Spooks arrive for the midnight spree.
Creepy creeps with eerie eyes,
Start to shriek and harmonize.
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize.
When you hear the knell of a requiem bell,
Weird glows gleam where spirits dwell.
Restless bones etherialize,
Rise as spooks of every size.
If you would like to join our jamboree,
There's a simple rule that's compulsory.
Mortals pay a token fee.
Rest in peace, the haunting's free.
So hurry back, we would like your company.
Robert's Snow Day 12
- David Ezra Stein
, featured by Vivian at HipWriterMama
- Juli Kangas
, featured by Cece Bell at Sam Riddleburger’s blog
- Ginger Nielson
, featured by Libby at Miss O’s School Library
- Margot Apple
, featured by Jo Whittemore at Jo’s Journal
If you'd like to see other features, please visit the links below.
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success. (Used with permission from Wild Rose Reader)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Robert's Snow Day 11
- Julia Denos
, featured by Jackie Parker at Interactive Reader
- Rebecca Doughty
, featured by Elizabeth Burns at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Brian Floca
, featured by Betsy Bird at A Fuse #8 Production
- Margaret Chodos-Irvine
, featured at readergirlz (Still trying to find the link, will update when known...)
- Anni Matsick
, featured by Peggy King Anderson at A Sound From My Heart
If you'd like to see other features, please visit the links below.
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success. (Used with permission from Wild Rose Reader)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Robert's Snow Day 10
- Elisa Kleven
, featured by Roz Fulcher at Rozzie Land
- Consie Powell
, featured by Becky at Becky’s Book Reviews
- Jimmy Pickering
, featured by Gwenda Bond at Shaken & Stirred
- Frank Dormer
, featured by Adrienne Furness at What Adrienne Thinks About That
- Sheila Bailey
, featured by Elizabeth A. Briggs Jones at Lizjonesbooks
If you'd like to see other features, please visit the links below.
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success. (Used with permission from Wild Rose Reader)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Robert's Snow Day 9
- Carin Berger
, featured by Colleen Mondor at Chasing Ray
- Marion Eldridge
, featured by Susan Thomsen at Chicken Spaghetti
- Sophie Blackall
, featured by Jennifer (a.k.a. literaticat) at not your mother’s bookclub
- Erik Brooks
, featured by Little Willow at Bildungsroman
- Brian Lies
, featured by Barbara O’Connor at Greetings from Nowhere
If you'd like to see other features, please visit the links below.
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success. (Used with permission from Wild Rose Reader)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Why I use Associates
First of all, I really like It’s probably my favorite book website in terms of price, shipping speed, customer service, and overall usefulness. Also, Amazon offers so much more than books, including beauty, toys, and computer items. It’s very easy to find what you’re looking for at great prices.
Secondly, I think it’s interesting to look up reviews, information, etc. about a book, even if you’re not planning on buying it.
Thirdly (and maybe most importantly), I’m a poor college student. I get a summer job from May until August every year and work my behind off, in the hopes I’ll make enough money to sustain me during the school months (jobs on and around campus are quite scarce). It’s rather hard to do this, and I often have to skimp on things like groceries by the end of the school year in favor of, oh, textbooks usually.
So Associates helps cover my grocery expenses. It’s not like I even make a huge profit; I’ve been doing this for almost a year and I’ve made just barely under $10. But when you’re starving, even a few bucks can help.
So that’s the reason you’ll see Amazon links all over this blog. If you’re planning on buying something from Amazon anyway, consider buying it from links by someone in the Associates program (I’m definitely not the only blog/website that does this). You can use a search widget, or just use the links to click over to the site, and then go to what you’re looking for from there.
Remember, you don’t have use my links. But, hey, if you do, maybe I’ll be able to afford a sandwich. :-)
Robert's Snow Day 8
- Mark Teague
, featured by Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect
- Sharon Vargo
, featured by TadMack and a. fortis at Finding Wonderland
- Christopher Demarest
, featured by Kelly Fineman at Writing and Ruminating
- Rose Mary Berlin
, featured by Charlotte at Charlotte’s Library
- David Macaulay
, featured by Melissa Wiley at Here in the Bonny Glen
If you'd like to see other features, please visit the links below.
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success. (Used with permission from Wild Rose Reader)