Now that things are settling down, it's time for another giveaway! I have bottles of wonderful purple nail polish inspired by The Dark Devine to giveaway. Three lucky winners will each get a bottle of this wonderful color, which matches the cover of The Dark Devine by Bree Despain.
All you have to do to enter is comment on this post and answer this question:
What are your feelings about forgiveness?
Open to US residents only (sorry international friends!) and ends March 31st, 2010 at midnight.
So what are you waiting for? Time to enter!
Forgiveness. That is a loaded question. I think that in certain situations forgiveness is appropriate and healing. I also think that there are times when it can be impossible. There are certainly people in my life whom I cannot forgive for some of their wrong doings. Overall I am a very empathic person, but I will hold people accountable for their actions. And some actions IMO are simply unforgivable.
BTW, love this color of polish :)
I think forgiveness is essential in any relationship. It's not always easy, but sometimes it's the only way to move forward in certain situations. A lot of times it won't happen right away, but it makes life so much simpler when you can make the step to forgive someone of their wrong-doings. Plus, it takes too much energy to hold a grudge, IMO, haha.
Fun giveaway! :)
well honestly this is a bittricky really i feel that forgiveness is earned not just freely given if you forgive every thinganyone ever does then they arent held acountable to their actions somethings i think should be hardto forgive and with that should take time and not just huh i forgive you just dont do it again attitude
what acute color
Forgiveness. This is a complex question and will vary from person to person. I think forgiving is mostly right and a way to move forward towards better things and repair everything that got torn apart. At the same time it isn't always the best choice for the situation and the best choice to move forward is to not forgive. I am a very forgiving person , but I found that not everyone and there actions can be forgiven and sometimes its easier and more appropriate the to be unforgiving.
I think that if you forgive someone, you have to sit down and think about if the person deserves it. If they did something they can never take back, they won't be forgiven.
I think that forgiveness is essential. Everyone should have a second shot at something especially if they regret what they did something. Forgiveness is key.
Forgiveness is something that is hard for me to do I really want to forgive but it takes me a while. If the wrong done to me is especially hurtful it is really hard. I know it is the only way you can move forward with your life. I am trying to be more forgiving.
I think forgiveness is very important, it's cleansing. It's not something that I am very good at though. I hold grudges and even if I can't remember why I was mad in the first place, I still won't forgive. I know it's a horrible trait and I should learn to be more forgiving. If someone is truly sorry for their wrong doing then they should be forgiven.
My story on forgiveness: My family was doing this thing at our house and we had familys over to do it and one of the family had a son that was about my age and he and I got into a fight and we didn't see each other for long time( about 6 year)and all of this time, I couldn't forgive him at all but I had to work with HIM on a photography job and he was nicer now and he forgotten all about the fight so I just forgive him and we became friends again. :D So yes, forgiving is VERY important, you can miss
out on all of thing by not forgiving like i did.:P
I would LOVE to win this!
Thanks :D:D
Why I think forgiveness is important is because if we dont forgive, the one we hurt the most is ourselves. Just because you forgive someone for having done you wrong doesn’t mean that you are now saying that what they did was acceptable. But rather, it makes you freer, your not dragging around that emotional weight with you any longer.
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