Although it's still September here on the West Coast, it's officially October 1st over there on the eastern side. Which means it's Cybils time! For those of you unfamiliar with the term, the Cybils is a loose acronym for the Children's and Young Adult Literary Blogger awards. It's a cross between the People's Choice Awards and the Newberry Award for book bloggers. If you'd like more information, there's a great overview at the Cybils Wikipedia Page.
Nominations are open right now over at the Cybils blog, so head over and nominate your favorite books. I'll be having a couple of Cybils themed posts over the next few weeks, but for now you simply get to nominate and enjoy. And you know you better nominate a graphic novel, since that's the committee I'm on. (LOL)
There's also been two changes this year. First, my graphic novel panel has been split for nominations. So now you can nominate one MG and one YA title. We've been announcing the award for both categories for awhile, but until this year you could only nominate at title for one or the other. Likewise, the Early Readers category has been split with Early Chapter Books, so you have two nominations there as well.
Here's a reminder of the rules (thanks to the Cybils official blog):
•One book per genre per person. Have two young adult books you love? Get a best friend, co-worker or random stranger to nominate the other one.
•Anyone may nominate. Anyone! This means you. And me. And that person over there, and the guy who cut you off in traffic. Or that kid you won't sit next to at lunch. Anyone!
•The book must have been published between the last contest and this close of this one. In other words, between Oct. 16, 2009 and Oct. 15th 2010.
•The book can be bilingual, but one of the languages must be English.
•As long as a book has a nomination, it'll be considered. You don't need to try and nominate it over and over. The nomination form will kick it back to you anyway.
Ready to get started? Head over to the blog to put in your nomination!
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