So I was planning on plunking out my "About Me" post where I answer all your questions this afternoon, but I got a pleasant surprise instead. So you'll just have to wait a few more days for that post.
Deltay has nominated me for the Your Blog Is Fabulous Award. And that was before I changed by layout (haha). Yay! My first blog award. Happy dance of joy! And cute badge, no?
Rules: List five things you are obsessed with/addicted to and then nominate five other fabulous blogs to pass on this award on to!
You probably guessed that Books would be 1-5 on that list. Okay, so let's do something a little differnt. Well, this smacks of the "guilty pleasures" introduction my American lit professor had us do. So I guess we'll go with that them for my five things. Here are five of my guilty pleasures, or five things I could live without, but probably wouldn't admit to the general public:
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups- Probably the reason my figure is *ahem* not what it could be. I went through entire bags of these things during finals every semester. I don't care if chocolate experts say you should never freeze chocolate. Frozen is the only right way these things should be eaten.
Bookmarks- Yeah, you read that right. In additon to having tons and tons of books about, I have lots and lots of bookmarks. I kinda collect them. I love the beaded ones you get from Borders by the checkout. Though I've probably worn the tassels off of most of them.
Jigsaw Puzzles- My other main hobby (besides reading). In fact, this is why I haven't done much reading lately. I go in spurts. I kind of collect puzzle too. I like puzzles that are unique in some way. I have a few that have unique borders, I have one that's made with real wood, I have one that's all edge pieces, I have one that has glitter on it, a photomosaic one, several round ones, you get the picture.
Sailor Moon- Yeah, you read that right. I'll admit to it. It was a middle school obsession, and I never quite let it go. I still enjoy watching the cartoons and reading the books (although the cartoons are too young for me now). It's something I associate with happy memories of my childhood. All of my friends picked a character, and we would role play during PE (hehe). I was Sailor Venus, though I look nothing like her, and she's still my favorite. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can google it.
Disney- Anything Disney, but especially Disney Princesses. Aurora to be exact. If you've paid attention to this blog for any length of time you are probably aware of this obssession. But I wonder if you know how obsessed I am... I have Disney books, over 300 Disney pins, lots of Disney movies, Disney calendars, Disney posters, and um, Disney puzzles (see above). And of course I love the Disney theme parks. My biggest dream is to someday make it to both Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disneyland. But the princesses by far trump my obsession. Hey, college is your second childhood. :-) I even wear a tiara when I go to the parks. Much to my family's embarassment....
Now that you've learned about me (probably more than you wanted to know), it's time nominate other people!
Well, I have to include
Miss Erin and
Teen Book Review since they got me into blogging. Chances are they've already been nominated (they are that awesome) but, hey, this is my blog, my rules. :-) My fellow Cybils panelists
Em's Bookshelf and
The Compulsive Reader have great blogs too. And my last choice would be author
Sarah Beth Durst. Unusual, maybe, to nominate an author, but you really should check her blog out. She is a hilarious and very talented lady. Her obscure fairy tale posts make my day everytime she posts them.
And thanks again to Deltay, the wonderful person who nominated me. I think I shall print out my award and frame it. Okay, maybe not, but it's fun to think about.