Monday, March 02, 2009

Contest Monday: Win a copy of Riding the Universe

Hey everyone! I know I've been a bit scarce this week, but work has me hopping! I hoping to have time to sit back and do some blogging this week, but we'll have to see. Meanwhile, you know I wouldn't deprive you of Contest Monday... :-)

Thanks to everyone who voted in the Contest Monday poll. The highest result was for more prizes before they are released, so your wish is my command! This week's prize is for paperback ARC copy of Riding the Universe by Gaby Triana.

About the Book (From the back cover): "Chloe Rodriquez values three things above all else--her adoptive family; her best friend, Rock; and her Harley-Davidson 1200 Sportster motorcycle, inherited from her late uncle, Seth. There there's her amazing new boyfriend...and he changes everything. But just when Chloe thinks she's got life all figured out, a bump in the road comes out of nowhere and sends her skidding. At turns funny, wise, and touching, Riding the Universe will speak to anyone who has ever loved, lost, or experience the joy of the open road ahead."

Riding the Universe will not be released until May 5, 2009, so this is your chance to read it early!

How to Enter: To enter the contest, simply leave a comment on this post. Or, if you can't leave a comment, send an email to shadyglade (AT) mail (DOT) com with the subject line "Universe Contest" and include your name, your email address, and the correct subject line.

How to earn Extra Entries:
  1. Post about the contest on your blog or website. Post a link in the comments, or email the link to me.
  2. Become a follower of this Blog (post a comment to let me know).
  3. Come up with and post your own Contest Monday (post a comment with the link).

Rules: The contest is open until Monday, March 9, 2009 when the new contest will be posted. Everyone in the US and Canada is eligible, even if you've won a contest in the past. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. One free entry per person allowed. See above for instructions to earn extra contest entries. Questions? Post a comment or email and ask.

Good luck to everyone! I'll announce the contest winner on Tuesday, March 10th (and thanks to Epic Rat who caught my deadline mistake last week). Look for an announcement tomorrow to find out who won last week's contest.

You can currently pre-order your own copy of Riding the Universe from


Nora said...

This one sounds great, and I'm a follower.



MySharonAnne said...

Cool beans! I'm a follower. sharonluvscats(at)gmail(dot)com

Steph Su said...

Fantastic! I love your Contest Mondays. :) I'm a follower, and I've linked to your contest in my sidebar on my blog.

deltay said...

Sounds enticing!

Already following


Sidebar linked the contest

Brooke Reviews said...

Sounds good! I'm also a follower :)

Chelsea said...

This one sounds really good. Thanks for the contest(s)!

BN Book Blog said...

Fun!!! Contests are great! We're followers already!

Erika Powell said...

this one looks great, count me in
sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com

i am already a follower

Genevieve said...

This book sounds good! I posted a link of this book in my blog's sidebar:

And I'm already a follower.

H said...

I'm not entering because I'm not US/Canada but I just wanted to say I love the look of this book. The cover designer did a fabulous job!

Erika Powell said...

i blogged about it too

Senfaye said...

This book sounds really great! I am already a follower. Thanks.
-Senfaye :)

Katie said...

I would love to be entered and I am already a follower. I also posted a link in my sidebar here:
Thanks for the contest!

Michelle Kuo said...

Sounds good! I'd love to enter.

I'm now a follower :)

And I put this in my blog:

Jenn said...

I'd love to enter and I am already a follower! The book sounds amazing!

Anna said...

This one sounds excellent. :)

1. Already a follower.
2. Will be posted on my contests page.


Meg said...

I'd love to read this and win it! Thanks :)

Meg said...

Oh, and I just added your blog to google reader. Can't wait to start reading it!

Bonita H said...

This sounds like my kind of book.

I'm already a follower.


Krista P. said...

I'd like to enter. I already follow you on Google Reader, and I linked the contest on my sidebar.

deltay said...

Hey there - just dropping by to let you know that I've nominated you for the "Your Blog is Awesome!" Award that's been circulating the blogosphere here :

Wrighty said...

Another great contest! You pick such good books and I look forward to reading them. Please include me and thanks!

- I'm already a follower.
- I'm adding this to my blog.


Janssen said...

Commenting and following! :)

This looks great!

wrigleyfield said...

Sounds great!

wrigleyfield said...

Oh, and I've followed you, too.

Megan said...

This ones sounds cool.
I follow you

Megan (the book geek)

penryn said...

I love California, too. :)

Just started following!

Taylor said...

Oh that is an amazing contest! I am a follower AND I added a link to my sidebar! Thanks,

Diana Dang said...

Please enter me! I have linked your contest to the sidebar of my blog:

Nora said...

I also blogged about it here:

Paradox said...

Enter me please!

I'm already a follower.

I posted about the contest here:

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

Amy said...

this looks good!

Book Sp(l)ot said...

This sounds like fun (especially after we just had thousands of motorcycles in town ;))

Laina said...

I'm a follower and I posted about it here:

Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway. This book sounds great.

Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway. This book sounds great.

Unknown said...

I'd like to enter the contest.


juiciliciousss reviews said...

hey, ill love to enter :)
im a follower
and i posted this on my blog's SIDEBAR:


Unknown said...

I'm a follower:)


Bingo said...

I would love to win a copy of this. I am a follower as well! Thanks for the good giveaway and post!