Monday, April 27, 2009
A Monday Update
But I'm technically supposed to be out in three days. So things might be a little dead around here in the next few. Maybe not. I'm not sure yet. Depends a lot on when my internet gets disconnected.
Meanwhile, you now have another week to enter to win a copy of this week's Contest Monday prize. From my recent poll I gather you prefer to have a new contest every week, but I really do have to push this one back.
So wish me luck! My bed gets moved today...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
So here's the low down. If you want to enter, email your design(s) for a Contest Monday banner to me at shadyglade AT mail DOT com. As soon as I get everyone's designs, I'll post them up on the website and we'll have a vote to pick one. The winner will get their banner displayed every Monday for the new Contest Monday posts, ending adoration from me, and pick their own free book from my very, very large stack of books I have lying around. Everyone who enters will get four extra entries into the Contest Monday post of their choice.
So here's a few rules:
- If you've already emailed me, please comment again so I know you're still interested in participating. Some of my emails got eaten, and I want to be able to respond to you personally!
- If you haven't emailed me, post a comment (or send an email) to let me know you want to participate. This contest is open to international participants too!
- You can submit up to three different designs per person.
- The only requirements are that the words "Contest Monday" must appear somewhere on the graphic. Any text beyond that is up to you!
- The entry part of the contest is open from now to Friday, May 15. That should give you plenty of time to enter! Email me your designs by then to be eligible.
I think that covers everything. If you have questions, post 'em below. Thanks and good luck!
Friday, April 24, 2009
This is Why I Blog...
I got this fantastic email the other day. I hope they don't mind me sharing it with all of you. If you do mind, let me know (you know who you are).
"Hi Alyssa,
I wanted to thank you for the recommendations you post on your book blog. I purchased The Amaranth Enchantment and The King's Rose after you recommended them. I also purchased Princess Ben. My 15-year-old daughter read 2 out of 3 within 24 hours. She really enjoyed them and asked me to pre-order a Kiss in Time for her. Thanks for all the reading you do and the information you put out."
I can't express how extremely touched I am when I get notes like these. They make all the difference in the world. This happened to come when I was having a really bad day, and saying it cheered me up magnificently would be an understatement.
I love to read, and I hope that what I post here helps encourage that love in others. I jump for joy when I hear stories like these. So thank you, everyone who reads this blog. It is a labor of love, and I certainly don't think I could keep going without the support and comments I get from you every week.
Okay, I'm done being sappy now. You can get on with your day. :-)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I Need Help...
So maybe one of you, dear readers, could help me out? Anyone who's interested in creating a Contest Monday banner for the blog, email me at shadyglade (AT)
Not only will you get seemingly endless praise and recognition on this blog, but I'll also give you a prize of your choice from my LARGE stack of free books. If I get more than one entry, we'll make a contest out of it. If you have ideas for a graphic (but don't want to make one) go ahead and comment below. Even ideas are appreciated.
So here's my last desperate plea: HELP!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Waiting On Wednesday: 4.22.09

Cathy's Ring
*SPOLIER WARNING* If you haven't read Cathy's Book
About the Book (from "Cathy cannot manage to find more than a few days to relax in her hectic (and mortal) life—she barely has time to put the mystery surrounding her father to rest before she finds herself targeted by a group of Ancestor Lu’s professional killers!
Recognizing she is a serious threat to everyone in her life, Cathy makes plans to leave town. But her friends, Emma, Pete, Victor, and, surprisingly, Jun, unite to convince Cathy that they must finish Lu once and for all to have any chance at peace—mortal or immortal. In order to defeat Lu, the friends must come together in a way they never have before.
Meanwhile—unbeknownst to Cathy—Victor has made the ultimate sacrifice hoping it will bring him closer to a normal relationship with Cathy. But when Victor is seriously wounded and Cathy finds herself attracted to another mortal with similar feelings for her, Cathy’s world turns upside down and she is forced to make a decision about her future with Victor, while his life hangs by a thread. What will Cathy decide, and how will their epic battle with Lu play out? Find out in the newest adventure-packed installment of the Cathy story!"
*End Tiny Spoiler*
So I just finished Cathy's Key
Cathy's Ring
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Winner of Contest Monday: Reality Check

Everyone else, don't forget to enter this week's Contest Monday for a chance to win a brand new book, one that you voted for!
And for those of you who didn't win this time, you can pre-order your own copy of Reality Check from
Monday, April 20, 2009
Contest Monday: Win a Copy of Generation Dead
About the Book (From "Phoebe Kendall is just your typical Goth girl with a crush. He's strong and silent...and dead.
All over the country, a strange phenomenon is occurring. Some teenagers who die aren't staying dead. But when they come back to life, they are no longer the same. Feared and misunderstood, they are doing their best to blend into a society that doesn't want them.
The administration at Oakvale High attempts to be more welcoming of the "differently biotic." But the students don't want to take classes or eat in the cafeteria next to someone who isn't breathing. And there are no laws that exist to protect the "living impaired" from the people who want them to disappear--for good.
When Phoebe falls for Tommy Williams, the leader of the dead kids, no one can believe it; not her best friend, Margi, and especially not her neighbor, Adam, the star of the football team. Adam has feelings for Phoebe that run much deeper than just friendship; he would do anything for her. But what if protecting Tommy is the one thing that would make her happy?"
Generation Dead
How to Enter: To enter the contest, simply leave a comment on this post. Or, if you can't leave a comment, send an email to shadyglade (AT) mail (DOT) com with the subject line "Generation Dead Contest" and include your name, your email address, and the correct subject line.
How to earn Extra Entries:
- Post about the contest on your blog or website. Post a link in the comments, or email the link to me.
- Become a follower of this Blog (post a comment to let me know).
- Come up with and post your own Contest Monday (post a comment with the link).
Rules: The contest is open until Monday, April 27th, 2009 when the new contest will be posted. Everyone in the US and Canada is eligible, even if you've won a contest in the past. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. One free entry per person allowed. See above for instructions to earn extra contest entries. Questions? Post a comment or email and ask.
Good luck to everyone! I'll announce the contest winner on Tuesday, April 28th. Look for an announcement tomorrow to find out who won last week's contest.
One more thing. You may have noticed a new poll over in the sidebar (--->). I'm wondering if it would be better to extend all Contest Monday entries by two weeks, so more people have a chance to enter. So weigh in and let your voice be heard!
Generation Dead is also available for order from
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Vote for the People's Choice Blog Awards

Nominations are now open. Here's the quick rundown of the categories:
Best Interviewer: That blogger who asks authors all the tough questions
Best Reviewer: Whose reviews are almost better than the books?
Best Newcomer: A new, fabulous YA book blogger (Six months blogging or less).
The Golden Book Blog Award: This award is for the long-time blogger who deserves recognition for their commitment to making a star blog. The blogs that inspired you to start book blogging, the pioneers of YA book blog land. They know who they are.
You can nominate for one category, or you can nominate for all four. You cannot nominate more than four times, and you can’t nominate yourself. You can nominate someone who has already been nominated, though.
Nominations are open until the end of April. If there are more than ten nominees in each category, the most popular will be up for the awards. From there, I’ll make up polls – this is a people’s choice award. Head over to the contest post to nominate your favorite blogs.
From the comments already, it looks like The Story Siren is the running for the Golden Book Blog Award. That would be such a cool award. So what are you waiting for? Get nominating!
Poll Almost Over!
This is also your last chance to change your vote. Based on the current results, the top contendors are Generation Dead, Touch, Moonstone, and Eon: Dragoneye Reborn.
So who will it be? Find out here tomorrow!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
How I Choose My Waiting on Wednesday Posts
I spend wayyyyyy to much time on Amazon looking at upcoming releases. As soon as I hear about a book that interests me, it goes on my wish list. I organize them by release date, and when drafting my posts I simply choose the next one on the list.
Many of the posts you see here probably feature books you've heard about already. But Waiting on Wednesday posts are a way to help me keep track of the books on my wish list, which is why I feature them anyway. I also don't like doing posts too far in advance, because then I forget when the book comes out. Which is why you usually won't find books here more than one month before the release date.
One more note I thought mention. I tend to pick books that I don't have a copy of. There have been a few posts I've planned and then I received an ARC of the book in the mail. It's not that I don't want to feature these books anymore, but I figure they will get their spotlight in a review after I finish them.
Anyway, that's it for the rambling this week.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday: 4.15.09

A Kiss in Time
About the Book (from "Talia fell under a spell . . . . Jack broke the curse.
I was told to beware the accursed spindle, but it was so enchanting, so hypnotic. . . .
I was looking for a little adventure the day I ditched my tour group. But finding a comatose town, with a hot-looking chick asleep in it, was so not what I had in mind.
I awakened in the same place but in another time—to a stranger's soft kiss.
I couldn't help kissing her. Sometimes you just have to kiss someone. I didn't know this would happen.
Now I am in dire trouble because my father, the king, says I have brought ruin upon our country. I have no choice but to run away with this commoner!
Now I'm stuck with a bratty princess and a trunk full of her jewels. . . . The good news: My parents will freak!
Think you have dating issues? Try locking lips with a snoozing stunner who turns out to be 316 years old. Can a kiss transcend all—even time?"
Yeah, three reasons I want this now. 1. Retold fairytale, a given. 2. Sleeping Beauty is probably my favorite fairy tale. 3. Okay, I know I gush about covers a lot, but look at it! Isn't it pretty. I want that dress! And in all honesty, I've heard great things about Alix Flinn. I've been dying to get my hands on a copy of Beastly
A Kiss in Time
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
More Contest Monday Love
Katie is giving away a SIGNED copy of The Shape of Water by Anne Spollen. Head over to her blog to enter soon, as it ends tomorrow (April 15th).
Kathleen Elizabeth is giving away a copy of Mira, Mirror. This one has been on my to-read pile for a while, but it looks REALLY good. Ends April 20th at noon.
So ahead and check those out. I think it would be fun to get a whole bunch of bloggers giving away stuff on Mondays. Books, bookmarks, cards, anything! Oh, and if you have ideas for things you'd like to see given away by me (other than books, since I've got plenty of ideas for that!) leave me a comment.
Here's to Contest Monday!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Contest Monday Extended
In anticipation of our special edition of Contest Monday next week (starting April 20th), I'm extending last week's contest for another week. If you haven't already, head over to the original post and enter to win a copy of Peter Abrahams' Reality Check.
And if you haven't already, make sure you vote in the poll over in the sidebar (---->). You can learn more about the poll here.
Happy Monday!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Blog Awards
First up is the Zombie Chicken Award:

Thanks to Robin_Titan for the award! Well, I certainly don't wan't to tempt the wrath of zombie chickens. So I choose:
1. Becky's Book Reviews
2. Disney on the Brain (Yes, he's my brother. But I really would face zombies to read his stuff...)
3. Unshelved
4. Raucous Royals
5. Squeetus (Shannon Hale's blog)
Next up is the Splash Award:

1) Put the logo on your blog/post.
2) Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
3) Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
5) Remember to link to the person from whom your received your Splash award.
6) Have F~U~N
Isn't it a beautiful award? Thank you to Wrighty for nominating me! And I splash The Story Siren. I figure the theme is right up her alley. :-) She inspires me to keep up with this blog as much as I can. Now if I could just figure out how to work in time to write more reviews...
Thank you again everyone! I'm truly touched.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
New Poll
For the Contest Monday in two weeks (starts April 20th) I'm doing something a little different. Rather than picking a prize from the pile of books I have sitting around, I'm going to let you in on the process.
Use the poll to vote for the book YOU want to see as a prize on April 20th. Think of it as a peek onto my prize bookshelf. :-) So go vote!
Here's the list of books again, in case you want to learn more:
Hancock Park
The Real Real
Totally Fabulous
Generation Dead
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday: 4.8.09

About the Book (from "Beka Cooper is finally a Dog—a full-fledged member of the Provost’s Guard, dedicated to keeping peace in Corus’s streets. But there’s unrest in Tortall’s capital. Counterfeit coins are turning up in shops all over the city, and merchants are raising prices to cover their losses. The Dogs discover that gamblers are bringing the counterfeit money from Port Caynn. In Port Caynn, Beka delves deep into the gambling world, where she meets a charming banking clerk named Dale Rowan. Beka thinks she may be falling for Rowan, but she won’t let anything—or anyone—jeopardize her mission. As she heads north to an abandoned silver mine, it won’t be enough for Beka be her usual “terrier” self. She’ll have to learn from Achoo to sniff out the criminals—to be a Bloodhound. . ."
Love, love, love Tamora Pierce. Again, I can't believe I forgot to post about this one. I thought I had featured it ages ago.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Winner of Contest Monday: Diamond of Darkhold

You're having a good day! Email me with your mailing address and I'll get your copy of The Diamond of Darkhold
Everyone else, don't forget to enter this week's Contest Monday for a chance to win a brand new book.
And for those of you who didn't win this time, you can order your own copy of The Diamond of Darkhold: The Fourth Book of Ember
Monday, April 06, 2009
Contest Monday: Win a Copy of Reality Check

About the Book (From "QB of the varsity football team. Passing grades in all his classes. Dating the hottest—and smartest—girl at school. Summer job paying more than minimum wage. Things in Cody's world seem to be going pretty well. Until, that is, his girlfriend, Clea, is sent off to boarding school across the country, and a torn ACL ends his high school football career. But bad things come in threes—or in Cody's case, sixes and twelves—and the worst is yet to come. While limping through town one day, Cody sees a newspaper heading: "Local Girl Missing." Clea, now his ex, has disappeared from her boarding school in Vermont, and the only clue is a letter she sent to Cody the morning of her disappearance. With that as his guide, Cody sets out to find out what happened. Once in Vermont, he unearths the town's secrets—and finds out that football isn't the only thing he's good at. Reality Check
Reality Check
How to Enter: To enter the contest, simply leave a comment on this post. Or, if you can't leave a comment, send an email to shadyglade (AT) mail (DOT) com with the subject line "Reality Check Contest" and include your name, your email address, and the correct subject line.
How to earn Extra Entries:
- Post about the contest on your blog or website. Post a link in the comments, or email the link to me.
- Become a follower of this Blog (post a comment to let me know).
- Come up with and post your own Contest Monday (post a comment with the link).
Rules: The contest is open until Monday, April 13th, 2009 when the new contest will be posted. Everyone in the US and Canada is eligible, even if you've won a contest in the past. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. One free entry per person allowed. See above for instructions to earn extra contest entries. Questions? Post a comment or email and ask.
Good luck to everyone! I'll announce the contest winner on Tuesday, April 14th. Look for an announcement tomorrow to find out who won last week's contest.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
March's Search Terms
Reviews and such
riding universe gaby triana review- No review here, sorry. You probably came across my Contest Monday post though.
bad review of fever 1793- Bad as in bad writing? Or bad as in someone didn't like it. Either way, I don't think my review of 1793 qualifies.
Bookish things
what to read after twilight romance?- I get a lot of these types of questions. I was surprised that they needed to add the word "romance" to their search
shady glade contest monday-Yeah! I'm famous! Well... sort of anyway
dr seuss story starters- Are you trying to be the next Dr. Seuss? Or figure out what he used to write stories?
"i love to read" - Congrats! I love to read too.
disney fairies book mother dove egg broke- *Spoiler* Yes, the egg broke. But it was fixed eventually. *End Spoilers* You're looking for Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg
dragon keeper by carole wilkinson chapters summary- no idea why this showed up. I've never read this book! A summary might be nice...
sequel 3 of shabanu - It's called The House of Djinn. I came out last april
susan fletcher alphabet of dreams synopsis-Ummm.... okay?
ya literature quiz game- That sounds fun! I wanna play!
Everything else
and me there subject to your charms- This is from "All I Need" by Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband!
rumpelstiltskin crafts- How about minature spinning wheels? No ideas for you, sorry.
i'm prilla tinkerbell- That's wonderful! I would prefer to be Rani myself.
me has cheezburger- Actually it's I Can Has Cheezburger
ruby in the smoke free watch- You could try YouTube...
swedish chef, beaker, animal habanera- It's a funny video. You can find that one on YouTube.
Huh? ('Nuff Said)
quotes about shady people
miss glade
aerobic instructors tv glade
coppy riding
what is glade in the snow
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Now I'm Sick... Again!
So I'm going to go curl up back in bed and hope I can get some sleep without coughing up one of my lungs. See you around as soon as I'm better...
Friday, April 03, 2009
Top Teen Books
The following list of books teens love, books teens should read, and books adults who serve teens should know about was compiled IN ABSOLUTELY NO SCIENTIFIC MANNER and should be taken with a very large grain of salt.
Put an “X” next to the books you’ve read
Put a “+” next to the books you LOVE
Put a “#” next to the books you plan on reading
Tally your “X”s at the bottom
Share with your friends!
Like Jocelyn, I'm going to skip the “books I plan on reading” part. The books I plan on reading would fill a very large room, so you can see that plans never quite make it to reality.
1. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy / Douglas Adams # (But the sequels weren't so great)
2. Kit’s Wilderness / David Almond
3. Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian / Sherman Alexie
4. Speak / Laurie Halse Anderson
5. Feed / M.T. Anderson
6. Flowers in the Attic / V.C. Andrews
7. 13 Reasons Why / Jay Asher
8. Am I Blue? / Marion Dane Bauer (editor)
9. Audrey Wait! / Robin Benway
10. Weetzie Bat / Francesca Lia Block
11. Tangerine / Edward Bloor
12. Forever / Judy Blume
13. What I Saw and How I Lied / Judy Blundell
14. Tyrell / Coe Booth
15. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants / Ann Brashares X
16. A Great and Terrible Beauty / Libba Bray
17. The Princess Diaries / Meg Cabot X
18. The Stranger / Albert Camus X (Ugh! This made the list? Is there a symbol for books we hate?)
19. Ender’s Game / Orson Scott Card X
20. Postcards from No Man’s Land / Aidan Chambers
21. Perks of Being a Wallflower / Stephen Chbosky
22. And Then There Were None / Agatha Christie
23. Gingerbread / Rachel Cohn
24. Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist / Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
25. Artemis Fowl (series) / Eoin Colfer X (Read all but the most recent)
26. The Hunger Games / Suzanne Collins X
27. The Midwife’s Apprentice / Karen Cushman X
28. The Truth About Forever / Sarah Dessen
29. Little Brother / Cory Doctorow
30. A Northern Light / Jennifer Donnelly
31. Tears of a Tiger / Sharon Draper
32. The House of the Scorpion / Nancy Farmer
33. Breathing Underwater / Alex Flinn
34. Stardust / Neil Gaiman (Does seeing the movie count?)
35. Annie on My Mind / Nancy Garden
36. What Happened to Cass McBride / Gail Giles
37. Fat Kid Rules the World / K.L. Going
38. Lord of the Flies / William Golding X (About that "books I hate" symbol...?)
39. Looking for Alaska / John Green
40. Bronx Masquerade / Nikki Grimes
41. Out of the Dust / Karen Hesse X
42. Hoot / Carl Hiaasen
43. The Outsiders / S.E. Hinton
44. Crank / Ellen Hopkins
45 The First Part Last / Angela Johnson
46. Blood and Chocolate / Annette Curtis Klause
47. Arrow’s Flight / Mercedes Lackey
48. Hattie Big Sky / Kirby Larson
49. To Kill a Mockingbird / Harper Lee X
50. Boy Meets Boy / David Levithan
51. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks / E. Lockhart
52. The Giver / Lois Lowry X
53. Number the Stars / Lois Lowry X
54. Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie / David Lubar
55. Inexcusable / Chris Lynch
56. The Earth, My Butt and Other Big, Round Things / Carolyn Mackler
57. Dragonsong / Anne McCaffrey
58. White Darkness / Geraldine McCaughrean
59. Sold / Patricia McCormick X
60. Jellicoe Road / Melina Marchetta
61. Wicked Lovely / Melissa Marr
62. Twilight / Stephenie Meyer # (of course)
63. Dairy Queen / Catherine Murdock
64. Fallen Angels / Walter Dean Myers
65. Monster / Walter Dean Myers
66. Step From Heaven / An Na
67. Mama Day / Gloria Naylor
68. The Keys to the Kingdom (series) / Garth Nix
69. Sabriel / Garth Nix
70. Airborn / Kenneth Oppel
71. Eragon / Christopher Paolini X
72. Hatchet / Gary Paulsen
73. Life As We Knew It / Susan Beth Pfeffer
74. The Golden Compass / Phillip Pullman X
75. Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging / Louise Rennison
76. The Lightning Thief / Rick Riordan
77. Always Running: La Vida Loca / Luis Rodriguez
78. how i live now / Meg Rosoff
79. Harry Potter (series) / J.K. Rowling #
80. Holes / Louis Sachar #
81. Catcher in the Rye / J. D. Salinger X
82. Push / Sapphire
83. Persepolis / Marjane Satrapi
84. Unwind / Neil Shusterman
85. Coldest Winter Ever / Sister Souljah
86. Stargirl / Jerry Spinelli
87. Chanda’s Secrets / Allan Stratton
88. Tale of One Bad Rat / Brian Talbot
89. Rats Saw God / Rob Thomas
90. Lord of the Rings / J.R.R. Tolkien
91. Stuck in Neutral / Terry Trueman
92. Gossip Girl / Cecily Von Ziegesar
93. Uglies / Scott Westerfeld
94. Every Time a Rainbow Dies / Rita Williams-Garcia
95. Pedro and Me / Judd Winick
96. Hard Love / Ellen Wittlinger
97. American Born Chinese / Gene Luen Yang X
98. Elsewhere / Gabrielle Zevin
99. I am the Messenger / Markus Zusak
100. The Book Thief / Markus Zusak
Only 20 read. Apparently, although I do a lot of teen reading, I do read books that are considered "top teen books". Another reason I didn't fill in the "planning on reading" section is there are more of these books that I am planning on never reading. I find I have the opposite taste of many critics. If everyone loves I usually think "meh". Same with movies. Not always true, but when they compile a list like this I usually am at odds.
So which ones have you read?
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Reading in Themes
You see, I seem to read in themes. I get on a kick for a certain type of book and I read everything I can find in that genre for several weeks. For example, right now I'm on a history kick. Not historical fiction, but history. I've got all sorts of history books stacked up beside my bed, waiting to be read.
But it doesn't just go with genre. Sometimes I have a kick for a certain author, once I spent three weeks reading nothing but books about animation, another time I only reread books I'd already read.
Am I the only one who does this? Maybe I'm just weird...
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday: 4.1.09

Thirteenth Child
From "Eff was born a thirteenth child. Her twin brother, Lan, is the seventh son of a seventh son. This means he's supposed to possess amazing talent -- and she's supposed to bring only bad things to her family and her town. Undeterred, her family moves to the frontier, where her father will be a professor of magic at a school perilously close to the magical divide that separates settlers from the beasts of the wild.
With wit and wonder, Patricia Wrede creates an alternate history of westward expansion that will delight fans of both J. K. Rowling and Laura Ingalls Wilder. "
I love Patricia C. Wrede. Her Enchanted Forest Chronicles
I've also noticed they are re-releasing Snow White and Rose Red
Thirteenth Child