It’s that time again!
For those of you who don’t know what the Cybils are, here’s an explanation from the website:
The internet's first literary awards are back.
Like all revolutions, this one started small, with a single post on a blog devoted to children's literature. The Newbery Awards seemed too elitist and the Quills, well, not enough so. Was there a middle ground, an annual award that would recognize both a book's merits and popularity?
The Cybils found that middle ground. The public nominates their favorite children's books from 2007 in seven categories: Picture Books; Non-fiction Picture Books; Middle Grade fiction; Poetry; Young Adult fiction; Non-fiction (YA/MG); and Graphic Novels. Nominations open on October 1.
When we say "the public," we mean it. Anyone with an e-mail address may nominate one book per category. Then groups of bloggers get to work. First, a nominating committee reads ALL the titles in a given category. After nearly two arduous months, this committee winnows the nominees to five finalists. A second
committee of bloggers considers the shortlist and, after much debate, chooses the best of the best for 2007.Because The Cybils is a blogger-run, blogger-inspired awards process, we operate with the expectation of openness and transparency. If you have any question about the process—any question at all—please feel free to e-mail Anne or Kelly at any time.
And I get to participate on the nominating committee for Graphic Novels once again. Yay!!! I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself! I had a blast last year, there’s been some great stuff that’s come out since then.
Nominations open October 1 (that’s one week!) so start coming up with them. Meanwhile, you can find out more information at the website, or join in discussion at the forum.
Let the games begin!
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