You have a new book coming out in October, Lady Macbeth's Daughter

Sounds like a perfect combination! Can't wait to read it after it comes out next month. You describe your change from being a literature professor to being writer as a “blessing in disguise.” Do you miss teaching? Do you think you’ll try to do it again someday?
I miss teaching the really committed students who loved Shakespeare. How many of those ARE there? I don't miss grading papers! I am still teaching a bit--creative writing classes and workshops and the occasional school visit.
Not to brown-nose or anything, but I was one of those students. And I agree with you about the grading papers thing. I have to ask, since two of your books are based on Shakespeare, do you have a favorite Shakespeare play?

Much Ado is definitely a good choice. Any future projects you’re allowed to tell us about?
I'm working on a novel about the lost colony of Roanoke, one of history's great unsolved mysteries. My story follows the fortunes and misfortunes of Lady Cate, a maid of honor to Queen Elizabeth who is banished to Virginia. Two heroes compete for her affections, one the hunky Sir Walter Raleigh, and the other one I'm keeping under wraps for now. But in the story, if anything can go wrong, it probably will. And yet the ending will not be a despairing one.
That sounds fantastic! I've been fascinated with Roanoke since I took US history. Looking forward to it. Thanks for stopping by Lisa!
Lisa Klein is the author of Ophelia
I've been moving away from historical fiction for a while as a result of my own graduate study in history - I just wanted my fun to be completely and totally opposite of my 'work,' you know? But these books look SO good. I'm tempted. Really. Sigh...the TBR pile is over 40 books tall, though... :-)
All that to say, wonderful interview, and thanks for the book mentions!
This looks great, thanks for the post.
I literally just picked Ophelia up from the library- it's a fun coincidence that this interview popped up just a few days later! Now I'm all the more excited to read :)
Nice interview. The book covers all look so nice.
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