Well, it's happened. I've finally aquired enough books that my bookshelves have reached almost cirtical capacity and I've run out of room to add more bookshelves. So it's time to get rid of some books, and my family has informed me that I am currently not allowed to trade for anything until I can get rid of a certain number of books.
Since I'm not allowed to trade, and my library is not currently accepting donations, I'm offering the following books for sale. It will help clear up room on my shelf, and it will help me offset some of the postage costs from sending out prizes on the blog. Because more postage money = more prizes, which is always a good thing.
So here's how it will work. If you see something on this list you'd be interested in buying, send me an email (shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com) and let me know. I'll be updating this as offers start to come in.
Prices are $1.99 for any paperback, and $2.99 for hardbacks + the cost of postage.
Shipping will be done via Media Mail for US addresses, since it's much cheaper. Shipping is determined by the weight of the books. If you'd like to know beforehand how heavy something is that you're interested in, let me know and I'll weigh it for you. Shipping costs also include delievery confirmation, so you can track the package while en route.
Shipping costs
Up to 1 pound $3.18
1-2 pounds $3.57
2-3 pounds $3.96
3-4 pounds $4.35
4-5 pounds $4.74
5-6 pounds $5.13
6-7 pounds $5.52
7-8 pounds $5.91
Above 8 pounds, you can email for a quote.
I prefer PayPal as a method of payment, which requires a credit card. Anyone who can't do PayPal, send me an email (shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com) and we'll work something out.
Almost all of these are either new or like new condition. I take very good care of my books. I will confirm condition of every book before shipment, so you'll know exactly what you're getting before you pay for anything.
If you have questions, feel free to email. And without further ado, here's the list of the books for sale:
Paperbacks ($1.99 each + shipping)
Alex Unlimited Volume 1: The Vosarak Code
Amanda Noble, Zookeeper Extraordinaire
Catwalk: Strike a Pose
Ceres: Celestial Legend, Vol. 1: Aya
Dance Jam Productions
Dark Tales of the Tower
Detective Jermain Volume 1
Frannie in Pieces
Gone and Back Again
Graveyard Girl
House of Dance
Kitty Goes Californian
Maria Dracula
Meow.org: The Cat-Napping Caper
Misfit McCabe
Peach Fuzz, Vol. 1
Race for Doroon
Stones of Abraxas
The Road to Weird: Carly's Ghost / Harpo Marx is Seeing Things
Toaster Pond
Zoxil Prolot
Hardcovers ($2.99 each + shipping)
Dream Girl
Flora's Dare: How a Girl of Spirit Gambles All to Expand Her Vocabulary, Confront a Bouncing Boy Terror, and Try to Save Califa from a Shaky Doom (Despite Being Confined to Her Room)
Flyte (Septimus Heap, Book 2)
Girl to the Core
Magyk (Septimus Heap, Book 1)
My Brother Abe: Sally Lincoln's Story
Newes from the Dead
Persistence of Memory
Physik (Septimus Heap, Book 3)
Retreat From Gettysburg
Stargazer (Evernight, Book 2)
The Heart Is Not a Size
The Humming of Numbers
The Princesses of Atlantis
The Softwire: Betrayal on Orbis 2
The Snowball Effect
They Never Came Back
Token of Darkness
Wyvernhail: The Kiesha'ra: Volume Five
Count us in..Count us in! I wish the girls weren't at school. I'll have them look at the list when they get home tonight...fun, fun!
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Wow! Incredible list, are all these still available or any new been added? :D
are the following titles still available:
the humming of numbers
blackthorn winter
newes from the dead
sorceress of the himalayas
the agency 1: a spy in the house
thank you!
k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
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